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  • Breaking Down Fear and Bridging Down Barriers in LGBTQ+ and Minority Homeownership: Perceived Obstacles and Real Challenges

November 30, 2023

Breaking Down Fear and Bridging Down Barriers in LGBTQ+ and Minority Homeownership: Perceived Obstacles and Real Challenges

Breaking Down Fear and Bridging Down Barriers in LGBTQ+ and Minority Homeownership

Perceived Obstacles and Real Challenges

– Homophobia, transphobia, and lack of understanding of LGBTQ+ issues are among the common obstacles facing LGBTQ+ and minority buyers in the housing market. They often feared being discriminated against during the process, or worse – getting rejected altogether.

Knowledge is Power

– Education for both the buyers and real estate professionals is a key component. LGBTQ+ and minority clients should be informed about the benefits of homeownership, while real estate professionals need training to better understand, respect, and assist the unique needs of these clients.

Dare to Empathize, Advocate and Advise

– Zak Shellhammer suggests real estate professionals should consider being more than just an agent, but also an empathetic advisor and advocate. This can involve standing up for them in case of discrimination, and guiding them throughout the real estate process.

Access to Resources

– The LGBTQ+ community and minorities often lack resources and representation in the housing industry. It is therefore important for real estate professionals to provide accessible resources to help them through the daunting process of buying a home.

Hot Take

So let me get this straight – No, not that kind of straight, more like “let me understand this correctly”. It’s 2021, but we still have to convince people not to discriminate against someone for liking the same cupcakes they do or having a darker shade of icing? Come on now! And by “icing”, I mean skin color and by “cupcakes”, well I think you got that covered.

People, people! It’s simple – not all cookies want to live in the same jar and they don’t have to. It’s high time we educate ourselves and others, and respect everyone’s choice of jars, be it big, small, colorful, you get the idea. Remedial pastry class sorted!

Now, let’s move on to the real Tray Bakes – our real estate professionals. Your job isn’t to merely sell houses, but also to build bridges of understanding and cakes of compassion – Yes, I am sticking with the bakery theme, no judgment please!

In simple terms, be like our pal Shellhammer suggests – be an advocate, adviser, play the part of the over-protective guardian if you have to, because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, deserves a place that they can call ‘home’, without any fear, discrimination or prejudice.

The industry needs to make it easier, not harder, to simply find comfort in a cozy corner of the world. So folks, let’s take that kneading roller of understanding and flatten the dough of discrimination. Because when you’re about to buy your first house, all that should matter is if you want a cherry on top or not. And by “cherry”, I mean a swimming pool. But that’s a different dough story.

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/11/30/5-reasons-minority-lgbtq-buyers-should-invest-in-real-estate-now/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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