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  • Burgess Unveils Lead Generation Strategies for Real Estate: A Wealth of Tactics to Boost Your Business

December 14, 2023

Burgess Unveils Lead Generation Strategies for Real Estate: A Wealth of Tactics to Boost Your Business

Burgess Unveils a Trove of Lead Generation Strategies for Real Estate

Key Points:

  • Master of lead generation, Jimmy Burgess shares a plethora of tried-and-tested paid, low-cost, and no-cost activities that are working wonders in the current real estate landscape.
  • The strategies include running social media contests, using the power of testimonials and referrals, implementing local SEO, conducting webinars and workshops, and leveraging the magic of direct mail.
  • Burgess encourages real estate professionals to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach, and instead tailor their lead generation activities to reflect the audience and the context in which they’re operating.
  • Crucially, Burgess emphasizes not just seeking leads, but nurturing them through meaningful and immersive customer relationships.

Closing Paragraph:

Hot Take:

When Jimmy Burgess sings, who are we not to dance? The maestro of lead generation has indeed dropped some heavy beats for all the real estate folks out there sweating in their boots, unsure of where their next lead will come from. According to Jimmy, the lead mine is richer than ever, and with all the tricks up his sleeve, not just one, but a parade of leads can be yours. Keep in mind, though, that Burgess isn’t propagating any quick-fix magic potions. Nope! His theories revolve around working smart, understanding your market, and striking a fine balance between innovation and tradition. And above all, batting those sweet eyelashes not just to catch some eyeballs, but to keep them hooked and engaged too. Now, if that isn’t a toe-tapping rhythm for success, I don’t know what is!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/14/24-of-the-best-ways-to-generate-real-estate-leads-in-2024/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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