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  • Compass Launches NYC Trip Incentive for Top Performers: Win a Trip, Lunch with Leonard Steinberg, and Dinner with CEO Robert Reffkin

November 21, 2023

Compass Launches NYC Trip Incentive for Top Performers: Win a Trip, Lunch with Leonard Steinberg, and Dinner with CEO Robert Reffkin

Agents, Pack Your Bags For The Big Apple: Compass Launches New Incentive

Key Points:

  • Compass, the real estate juggernaut, rolls out a new incentive: Win a trip to NYC for its top 25 performers based on buyer-exclusive agreements and in-person interactions.
  • The rewards consist of quite the trifecta: An all-expenses-paid trip to New York City, lunch with industry guru Leonard Steinberg, and dinner hosted by none other, than CEO Robert Reffkin at his home. No pressure, folks!
  • This enthralling offer is set to commence over the first 100 days of 2024. So, reps, better mark your calendars and polish your conversational skills!
  • It appears that a company-wide email sent Tuesday detailed this intriguing proposition, slowly creating a buzz within their number-crunching beehive.

Hot Take:

Compass is steering the ship in quite a novel way, and we’re digging the vibe. No more are the monotonous staff meetings or usual 9-to-5 regime the order of the day; the New York-based firm is putting on the glitz. With their latest move, they seem to be combining the ‘work hard, play hard’ philosophy with a pinch of ‘The Apprentice.’

However, aren’t we missing one teensy detail here? Sure, winning an all-expenses-paid trip is great; who doesn’t want to lunch with Leonard Steinberg – a veritable Yoda of the real estate industry, and as for dinner at the illustrious Reffkin’s house – it’s like hitting the business jackpot. But won’t there be an elephant in the Reffkin abode? You know; that awkward ‘Dinner with the Boss’ vibe where you’re torn between passing the salt and pitching your next big idea.

Regardless, we all know what drives real estate agents (at least most of them) – and it’s not just the smell of fresh ink on new contracts. It’s the bonuses, the accolades and the promise of excellent, rib-eye steak at the boss’s manor. Seriously though, there’s no denying this incentive adds much-needed spice to the daily grind. And who knows? Maybe Reffkin will jazz up the dinner with a thrilling round of Monopoly: Real Estate Edition!

So, agents, gear up for 100 days of rigorous hustle and endless real estate banter. Remember, in this game of properties, only the most communicative, engaging and relentless win. So, may the odds ever be in your favor!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/11/20/win-dinner-with-robert-reffkin-in-compass-back-to-basics-challenge/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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