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  • Decatur, AL: Exploring the Charm and Quirks of a Small Town

December 27, 2023

Decatur, AL: Exploring the Charm and Quirks of a Small Town

Decatur, AL: A Small Town with a Big Personality

Here are the Main Scoops:

  • Decatur, more lovingly known as “The River City”, has a history intertwined with the Tennessee River. An ideal spot for trade, people have been setting up shop here since the 19th century – now they just sell frozen yogurt instead of livestock.
  • If you’re one of those weirdos with a thing for bridges, Decatur’s the place for you. The Old State Bank, a relic from the 1830s, is your go-to for some antiquated architecture fix.
  • They say it’s all about location, and for Decatur, it’s kind of true. Dramatically located at the intersection of two major railroads and a river, Decatur earned its stripes as the “Crossroads of the South”. This is great for those long hauled treks. Oh, wait, no one does those anymore.
  • Education: check. The city boasts of Austin High School – the largest school in Alabama. Here’s to hoping that bigger really is better.
  • And finally, if you fancy meals under golden arches, Decatur is the home of the first ever McDonald’s in Alabama. Talk about having your fries and eating them too!

And the Extra Sprinkles:

  • Decatur gets perky during The Alabama Jubilee, the oldest hot air balloon race in the mid-South. Up, up and away!
  • Foodies might get a kick out of the annual Riverfest, an event that has become synonymous with award-winning BBQ and live country jam. Remember to bring a bib.
  • Kids and kids-at-heart can have a roaring good time at the Cook’s Natural Science Museum where they can ogle at possums and skunks. Or go to the Carnegie Visual Arts Center for some more sophisticated fun.
  • No city worth its salt is complete without a Walmart Supercenter, and Decatur doesn’t disappoint. Convenient shopping and underpaid employees? Check and check.
  • Lastly, be prepared to live life on the slower lane because ‘hurry’ isn’t a part of this city’s vocabulary. Decatur Time, anyone?

The Witty Takeaway

The big deal about Decatur, AL? Well, it’s called the charm of a small city with the quirks of an overgrown town. From its important history draped in bridges and bank buildings to the wonderfully unnecessary distinction of housing the first ever Alabama McDonald’s – it’s a hodgepodge of fascinating features. The city embraces its crossroads status with glee – you can cross from one side to the other without fearing getting lost because of its modest size. In a world where the race is always to the biggest, the flashiest, or the richest, Decatur is proud to be the biggest school or the first McDonald’s. It’s quirky, loveable, slow-paced and chock full with history. Now, isn’t that a fine piece of estate to consider? Points to anyone who knows why a bridge lover is called a pontist!

Original article: https://www.redfin.com/blog/what-is-decatur-al-known-for/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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