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  • Embracing the Tech Era: Mr. Craig Grant’s Approach to Technology in the Real Estate Industry

December 12, 2023

Embracing the Tech Era: Mr. Craig Grant’s Approach to Technology in the Real Estate Industry

Summarizing Mr. Craig Grant’s Approach To Technology In The Real Estate Industry

Key Points To Remember

  • Embrace vs Battle: The Tech-Era

    Our main man Craigster, a.k.a Mr. Craig Grant, isn’t feeling the Cold War vibes when it comes to technology in real estate business. Unlike some of his gray-haired, desktop-loving contemporaries, the head honcho believes in embracing the tech-era, not battling it out.

  • Learning Over Knowing

    The Grantinatorarium is all about that growth mindset, baby! Believing that learning is more important than knowing, he makes the Jedi-esque claim that his strength flows from his ability to constantly absorb new information. Does this mean he finds your lack of Google Drive disturbing? Possibly.

  • Empowerment Through Understanding

    Craigosaurus Rex isn’t about keeping the knowledge all to himself either! His noble goal is to empower other real estate professionals to feel less like they’re operating the Starship Enterprise and more like they’re experiencing the Tinder era of real estate. Swipe left on clunky old systems and right on sleek, streamlined operations!

  • The Tech-Forward Future

    Future Craig, echoing the words of every sci-fi movie from the last decade, warns us that the future (of real estate) is tech. To survive in this new world order, our real estate warriors will need the technological equivalent of survival skills – coding, perhaps?

Hot Take

In conclusion, Craig-G from the block is painting a picture of the future real estate industry that is more Iron Man than Indiana Jones. It’s all about partnering with tech, not lassoing it like a runaway bull. As for the fear of technological advancements outpacing our skillsets? Craigy-boy has got you covered –with a strong emphasis on continuous learning and unwavering adaptability.

So you see folks, we don’t need to fear the evolution of technology in real estate, as prophesied by Craig, Master of The Digital Realms. We just need to learn how to saddle it, ride it to the future, and ensure we don’t get thrown off in the throes of an update or a server reboot.

To wrap it up, even if the idea of swapping the filing cabinets for cloud storage gives you the jitters, remember – according to Sir Craig, Knight of the Tech Table, it’s not about mastering the beast, it’s about dancing tango with it in perfect harmony. So everyone, break out the neon lights and dust off your dancing shoes, because the tech-dancefloor awaits!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/11/how-craig-grant-is-educating-real-estate-agents-on-embracing-tech/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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