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  • Expense-Aversion in Realty: The Key to Real Estate Success

March 2, 2024

Expense-Aversion in Realty: The Key to Real Estate Success

Expense-Aversion, the key in Realty World

The article starts off by highlighting the reality of how incredibly penny-saving real estate agents have to be these days. They’re so frugal, they make grandma’s coupon collection look like child’s play.

The Jimmy Burgess’s Prophecy

Real estate guru, Jimmy Burgess suggests generating leads that only cost money when money is coming in. He’s talking about success-based pricing, folks!

Business Strategy: Tracking or Tracing?

The article dives deeper and reveals that this isn’t just a “be cheap” strategy. It’s a crafty, analytics-driven method of tracking return on investment. Basically, you only shell out dough when you’re definitely going to make dough.

The Magnifying Glass on Market Research

According to Burgess, intense market research is crucial in identifying the most profitable leads. Basically, you’re not allowed to go in blind, people.

The Pillow of Technology

Cushioning all of this is technology, the unsung hero. From CRM tools to data aggregators, it’s all about leveraging the right tech to make smart, cost-effective decisions.

Now, for my hot take:

The Snarky Summary:

In the world of real estate, it seems being frugal isn’t a choice, it’s a commandment. When you’re counting pennies like Scrooge McDuck, you’ve got to get creative with how you spend them. And that’s where our main man, Jimmy Burgess steps in! He breaks it down for us — pay only when you earn. Success-based pricing, baby!

And no, this isn’t about being stingy — it’s about being smart. It’s about tracking and tracing your money like a financial Sherlock Holmes. Territory mapping, demographics, annual income — you’ve got to be on top of it all!

And of course, technology. The magic carpet that’s going to whisk you off to real estate success. CRM tools, data aggregators; who knew real estate could sound like a Silicon Valley start-up!

So roll up your sleeves, boot up your laptops, and get down to business. Remember, in the real estate jungle, it’s not the big that eat the small, but the frugal that beat the spendthrift! Remember folks: a penny saved is a penny earned… and potentially a hot property secured!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/03/01/try-these-7-budget-friendly-lead-sources-with-no-upfront-fee/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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