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  • January Jobs Report: 353,000 New Workers and the End of Rate Cut Hopes

February 3, 2024

January Jobs Report: 353,000 New Workers and the End of Rate Cut Hopes

Headlining News: January Jobs Report Confounds Economists, Unanimously Cancels March Rate Cut Parties

Key Points Up for Discussion:

  • US Labor Department Reports: Employers in January went on a hiring spree and added a mind-boggling 353,000 workers to their payroll.

  • Confounding Economists: The latest Jobs Report left economists scratching their heads and frantically recalibrating their calculators.

  • Rate Cut Party Crushed: Sorry folks, put the champagne back in the fridge. The report seemingly kills any possibility of a rate cut in March, says one disappointed economist.

Fresh Out of the Wit Oven – Our Hot Take:

So, in a plot twist suitable for a soap opera, the January jobs report turns out to be the life of the party nobody saw coming. Just like that introverted guest who suddenly takes over the dance floor and shocks everyone, January saw 353,000 new workers don their office-best and walk into their jobs – a figure that would have been great news if not for leaving our poor economists ripping their hair out in confusion.

And oh, remember those rate cut parties planned for March? Yep, those are cancelled. Send out your fancy “party off” e-vites now because apparently, this jobs report has killed that dream “stone dead.” Somewhere, an economist is mourning the demise of his party balloon investments.

In all seriousness though, while a robust employment market suggests a healthy economy, we got this data with a side order of confusion. So here we are, raising our metaphorical glasses to an interesting start of the year in the business world. The only thing we’re left to do is pull up our socks and prepare for round two in February.

So until we meet again in our next update – remember, you can’t spell ‘economist’ without ‘comic’. And that’s your lighthearted business news from our corner. Have a great one, folks!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/02/02/blowout-january-jobs-report-has-mortgage-rates-surging-again/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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