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  • LA’s Chic Realty Firm Partners Up with Top-Shelf Builder for High-End Residential Development

January 19, 2024

LA’s Chic Realty Firm Partners Up with Top-Shelf Builder for High-End Residential Development

LA’s Chic Realty Firm ACME Partners Up with Top-Shelf Builder Comstock

Introducing Nelavida, a High-End Residential Development to Rival Beverly Hills Mansions

– ACME Real Estate has taken the reins of sales and and imparting its impeccable taste for design direction.
– Comstock, an award-winning building juggernaut, will sprinkle its construction magic on Nelavida.
– Nelavida is marketed as a splashy residential development with an ‘element of surprise’ for home seekers.

In an exciting twist worthy of a Game of Thrones plot, LA’s ritzy real estate firm ACME has joined forces with Comstock, the Goliath of builders, to bring forth Nelavida – a glamorous residential project. In a beautiful blend of chic and chisel, ACME will use its industry expertise to head the sales and design direction while Comstock rolls up its sleeves to build posh pads that would make even the Kardashians green with envy.

Expect Personalized Luxury, Almost as Exclusive as Your Scandalous Celebrity Crush’s Autograph

– Nelavida isn’t just any residential development- it’s a luxury haven custom-crafted for people with enviable paychecks.
– The project promises a bevy of luxury amenities including private pools, state-of-the-art kitchens, and panoramic views.
– Nelavida emulates the ‘LA way of life’- chic, glamorous, and ever-so dazzling.

Life in a Nelavida home is said to be synonymous with owning a private wonderland. Brimming with posh amenities better suited to the pages of a luxe magazine, these homes wouldn’t look out of place in an episode of MTV Cribs. So, if you’ve always dreamed of living the LA high life, it’s time to loosen the purse strings and dive headfirst into the deep end of Nelavida’s private pools.

Create Property Envy Among Your Neighbors- Comstock and ACME’s Sonnet to Luxury

– ACME’s industry-savvy agents are ready to seal the deal on these ostentatious homes.
– This luxury development is bound to raise the stakes in the LA real estate market.

Not to be mistaken as an extravagant hip-hop music video set, Nelavida stems from the genius that is ACME and Comstock. With a winning combination of classy design and sturdy construction, owning a Nelavida home is almost as good as owning a golden goose—it’s a plush investment guaranteed to make your neighbors curse their stars and real estate agents.

Set to Cause A Stampede in the Real Estate Market

– Would-be owners can expect to move into their dream Nelavida homes by spring 2023.

So, Darlings, buckle up! Because Comstock and ACME are prepping Nelavida to set the luxury real estate world on fire. With sales likely to kick off soon and homes scheduled for handover by Spring 2023, you might want to be queuing up already. And those not in the market for a luxe new purchase, grab your popcorn. Watching the meltdown of competing real estate moguls is sure to provide some delightful drama.

Here’s my ‘hot take’: Being part of the Nelavida family is ostensibly less about residence and more about prestige. ACME and Comstock aren’t just selling homes; they’re selling high-gloss aspirational living. If bling were a real estate project, it would be Nelavida. In other news, we predict a sudden surge in the number of aspiring millionaires in LA scouting for penny jars and lucky lottery tickets!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/16/new-la-community-nelavida-debuts-its-luxury-starter-homes/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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