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  • Manhattan Real Estate Market Swings Towards Sellers: Key Insights and Trends

January 11, 2024

Manhattan Real Estate Market Swings Towards Sellers: Key Insights and Trends

Manhattan’s Real Estate Market Sways From Buyers to Sellers

Key Drip-drops from the Real Estate Fountain

– A report published recently says Manhattan’s real estate market has been a buyers’ paradise since the summer of 2022.
– The signs are now hinting at a shift in the market dynamics, indicating that sellers might have their day in the sun soon.
– Prices have been as cool as a cucumber in the fridge, bringing an unexpected boon to buyers.
– It is speculated that rising mortgage rates may spike a hike in the prices pushing the market towards sellers.
– The ongoing global uncertainties due to Covid-19, geopolitical turbulence and inflation remain as unpredictable as a cat on a hot tin roof, adding to market dynamics.
– Manhattan’s luxury real estate sales have also been skyrocketing, making billionaires richer and the rest of us contemplating life choices.

A Hot Slice of Burnt-Edge Perspective

Market, Heel!

We all love a good bargain, don’t we? Since the summer of 2022, Manhattan buyers have been tasting the sweet retail-therapy without breaking the bank. While sabotaging every preconceived notion of Manhattan real estate, the market opened its glamorous arms to a broader spectrum of financial capabilities. Be it a petite city flood-filler bachelorette’s apartment or a posh penthouse, the market sang serenades that appealed to the wallets of many.

But, as they say, “no trend is sexier than inconsistency”. It seems the market may be clearing its throat for the swan song of buyers’ days. The future forecasts suggest that mortgage rates might audition for the lead role in the upcoming thriller, ‘The Rising’. Meanwhile, the global uncertainties continue to cliff-hang, adding more suspense to the plot.

To top the cream with a cherry of irony, luxury real estate sales are as high as your rescued houseplant, flourishing with love, care and ridiculous amounts of daylight, thus perpetuating the eternal tale of “rich getting richer”. So, as the winds of the real estate market start changing their direction, brace yourselves and keep those shopping carts ready. Whether it’s a decorous apartment shopping or a thrilling ride in the roller-coaster of market dynamics, interesting times lie ahead in Manhattan’s real estate market.

To sum up, even though the Manhattan real estate market was like a high-end clearance sale, the signs now show a blockbuster comeback for the sellers. Before you start betting your dollars, remember it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the potential future mortgage rate increases and geopolitical factors. Isn’t real estate a hoot? Buckle up, my friends, the time of creating those dreamy ‘house-os’ (house scenarios, duh!) and investing them in reality might be just around the corner. But for now, we just wait and watch, while also secretly hoping for another buyers’ market summer. A little wishful thinking didn’t hurt anyone, right? Right?

With this hot take, hold on to your monocles, folks! It seems like the real estate market in Manhattan is about to get as shaky as a chihuahua in a winter sweater. Let’s wait to see if it’s going to shower us with deals or if we’re going to be left standing with an umbrella in a storm of high prices. One thing’s for sure – it’s going to be an exciting ride. Fasten your monetary seatbelts!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/10/the-best-time-for-buyers-in-manhattan-to-pounce-right-now/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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