Missouri: The Land of Bikeability and Affordable Living
• Redfin, a leader in the real estate industry, has released a study that lists the top ten most bikeable cities in Missouri. Lace up those sneakers and discover a state filled with eco-friendly travel opportunities.
• Not your typical tourist drawcard, but hey, not everyone’s into beaches and umbrella cocktails. Some prefer a cool breeze, the open ‘burb, and the freedom to say “I never got stuck in traffic.” Let’s pedal through to the punchline.
• Interestingly, the study is not just about city cycling landscape but also reveals the average house price in these cities too. Smart move Redfin, mixing health and wealth!
• Affordable housing is a key feature of these towns, some even less than the national house price average! Bikeability and budget-friendly? Missouri’s got you covered.
• Popular attractions have also been mentioned because what’s life without a little razzle-dazzle? You could ride to an amusement park one day and follow up with a museum visit the next. The tour de culture is shifting gears, folks!
• In essence, Redfin is pushing forward the idea of a healthy lifestyle mixed with savvy real estate investment. Pedal, purchase, and prosper figured out the secret formula, have we?
Now onto the fun part – my spicy hot take!
Missouri: Dial ‘M’ for Murder of High-Price Real Estate
In a world car-crazed and real estate mad, Missouri seems to shine as the rebel child. Offering a life where ‘rush-hour’ is as mythical as unicorns and affordable living isn’t just a whisper in the wind. Redfin successfully crafted a niche checklist for people who prioritize healthy practices, affordable living, and let’s face it, hate traffic.
The Wheel Deal
So, aspiring homeowners who are also biking enthusiasts should look no further than Missouri. Where else can your two-wheeler be your chariot and your castle doesn’t cost a fortune? So, dear readers, welcome to Missouri, where they’ve managed to turn “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving” into a real estate pitch.
Saddle Up for House Hunting
Now, you may not be able to replace your car with a bike everywhere in the Show-Me state but it might just be easier than finding a 4-bedroom house for under $300,000 in most other states. Pedaling your way around town might just be your ticket to not only physical health but also financial health.
In conclusion, hats off to Redfin for shining a spotlight on the benefits of cycling and affordable housing in Missouri. If your idea of a perfect day involves strapping on a helmet and exploring a city on your bike, and coming home to your own comfortable house (that didn’t cost an arm and a leg), Missouri’s the place for you. Time to make an offer, or maybe a bike race to the realtor’s office?
So, roll out the bikes, gear up individuals, it’s farewell to hours spent in traffic, and hello to breezy rides in Missouri’s most bikeable cities. Bike on, my friends, bike on. After all, life is a beautiful ride… especially when it’s on a path to affordable living!
Original article: https://www.redfin.com/blog/most-bikeable-cities-in-missouri/