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February 26, 2024

Moving Checklist: Everything You Need to Know for a Smooth Move

Moving Checklist: Everything You Need to Know for a Smooth Move

– Moving, otherwise known as ‘the seventh circle of Dante’s Inferno’, is, shockingly, no small task.
– It involves decluttering, or, in layman’s terms, tossing half your possessions and saying, “Why the hell did I buy this pinecone lamp?”
– Packing is next on the plate, because who doesn’t love playing life-sized Tetris with their worldly belongings?
– Next stop: transportation. Convincing your good-for-nothing minivan to not only start but also transport your entire life without breaking down? No pressure, van.
– Bribing friends, the way to ensure cooperation since kindergarten playdates. Pizza or beer might do the trick for simpler souls.
– The silver lining? Plan in advance and your worry list for D-day shrinks from the size of the yellow pages to a post-it note (or maybe three).

Final Hot Take

From the above saga, it’s clear that moving is the breakup you never asked for with your beloved junk. Call it “Kondo-ing” or “downsizing,” decluttering is the preamble. Packing is where you take this newfound philosophy to the edges of insanity as you ponder whether you really need that Sistine Chapel replica painting in your living room. Transportation…a comedy of errors waiting to happen, or a suspense thriller if you own a van of a certain vintage.

How’s about a little ‘friends and family’ fiesta? Well, not exactly a fiesta. More like “Hey, you, pick up that box. Yes, the heavier one. No, I can’t pay you. Yes, pizza counts as payment.” A little persuasion, pizza and potentially beer have seen many a friend into a committed moving task force.

But there is hope, dear reader! A little speck in this sea of moving madness. The power of planning – the ultimate superhero cape. Spend a few hours (or days) charting out the move, creating contingencies for when (not if) things go south, and you might actually come out on the other side semi-sane.

So next time you’re moving, remember this – you don’t need to go full ‘Home Alone’ on the process. Plan, delegate, bribe and repeat. And perhaps don’t buy those weird impulse buys in the future. You’re welcome.


Original article: https://www.redfin.com/blog/moving-checklist/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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