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  • Pacaso Study Reveals 21% Surge in Co-Ownership Trend Amidst Rising Housing Prices

February 15, 2024

Pacaso Study Reveals 21% Surge in Co-Ownership Trend Amidst Rising Housing Prices

Pacaso Report Suggests Surge in Co-Ownership Trend

Key Points:

In a recent study by second-home solution company Pacaso, co-ownership trend jumps 21% in the most active counties in 2023.

Pacaso analyzed data from 10 of the most active counties in the US, with this trend correlating with the rise in the Housing Price Index (HPI) in these counties.

A steep increase in the HPI in these counties may drive more people to look for affordable housing solutions in co-ownership.

Hot Take

The housing market rollercoaster continues its nerve-wracking ride! Apparently, due to the ever-climbing hills of the Housing Price Index, people are turning to their pals saying, “House prices are rising, how about we co-own like an 80’s synth band?” And thus, the co-ownership trend saw a jump of 21% in 2023. Give or take, these percentage points are the equivalent of that awkward childhood friend resurfacing and asking you to split a timeshare in the Poconos. Generally, this trend shows that when housing prices shake up more than a bartender on a Friday night, co-ownership is one way people seem to be pacing the tune. So, get your spare keys ready – you might just be up next in the co-owning conga line!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/02/14/co-ownership-trends-offer-an-affordability-solution-pacaso/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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