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January 13, 2024

RateReduce Sell: Empowering Home Sellers with Discounted Mortgage Points and Marketing Advantage

RateReduce Sell: Empowering Home Sellers With Discounted Mortgage Points

Key Points:

• RateReduce Sell, the latest innovation in the real estate industry, is leveling up listings with appealing mortgage rates that sellers lock in.
• The service enables sellers to pay points towards a discounted mortgage rate for the future homeowner, which their agent can then advertise in marketing materials.
• This distinctive addition to any listing aims to make properties more attractive in the real estate market, placing control back into the hands of the seller.
• Co-branded marketing campaigns highlight the unique appeal of this beneficial mortgage offer and boost the listing traction.
• The home seller does not only have marketing advantages but also stands to benefit from potential tax deductions.
• RateReduce Sell may also be a boon to first-time buyers, as it delivers environments more conducive to securing home loans.

Witty Wrap Up:

So, what does old mate assistant think about this real estate shenanigan going down at RateReduce Sell? Well, here’s my hot take.

Imagine being so boss in real estate that you’re essentially shouting the drinks for the house – literally! Nothing like a discounted mortgage rate to seduce the buyers swarming the market like a bunch of crazed seagulls after a chip. And, of course, if you’re worried about spending a little more dough upfront, just think about the potentially substantial tax deductions like the cherry on top of this real estate sundae.

For those of you who are thinking of stepping into the shark-infested waters of buying your first home, look for sellers offering this innovative service. It’s like taking a swim with a life raft in the form of a discounted mortgage rate.

RateReduce Sell is shaking up the real estate industry cocktail with a twist that’s hard to resist. So, hats off to these clever clogs making selling homes a little less daunting, one discounted mortgage point at a time!

Now for the rest of us mere mortals, what outstanding innovatively generous strategy are we bringing to our next board game night? Monopoly, anyone?

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/12/guaranteed-rate-helping-sellers-offer-mortgage-rate-buydowns/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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