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  • Real Estate Embraces Futuristic Tech: A Chat with Kopis CEO Andy Kurtz

December 13, 2023

Real Estate Embraces Futuristic Tech: A Chat with Kopis CEO Andy Kurtz

Real Estate Embraces Futuristic Tech: A Chat with Kopis CEO Andy Kurtz

Key Takeaways

  • Brandon Doyle of the Snapshot series, and Kopis CEO Andy Kurtz, have a little tete-a-tete about the way real estate is batmaning up, trading in its bland realtor suit for a shiny tech one.
  • Kurtz emphasizes on the necessity of the kiss between the real estate industry and custom integrated tech solutions. They’re basically the Ross and Rachel of the 21st century business landscape, and no cliffhangers here, they eventually get together.
  • The real estate industry, traditionally known for its resistance to change, has finally decided to slide into those DMs of digital integration. Better late than never, right?
  • Technologies such as mobile apps, AI, augmented reality, and 3D modeling are being incorporated for smarter business decisions (read: to reduce the number of oops moments).
  • Companies like Kopis are playing matchmaker, introducing real estate handlers to custom tech solutions, making sure those first impressions aren’t a hot mess.
  • Kurtz also warns against the perils of misguided tech integration. Apparently, there’s such a thing as too much tech? Tip: Don’t treat tech like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Your Realistic Robotic Realtor Is Here

Skynet, anyone? While we’re not quite there yet, the unholy matrimony of real estate and tech does feel a bit like an episode of Black Mirror. Sure, companies like Kopis are saving us from the horror of tech mishaps, but the hybrid tech-real estate landscape reminds me of that cousin who didn’t know how to dance at our wedding but tried to moonwalk anyway.

The use of new-fangled tech tools like Mobile Apps, AI, AR, and 3D modeling has been on the rise in the real estate arena. Does that mean houses will now sell themselves while realtors sip margaritas on a sunny beach? Probably not, but I can almost hear the collective sigh of relief from all the introverts out there.

Kurtz warns us not to get carried away and reminds us that tech is like spices, a little might enhance the taste, but a tad too much could ruin the whole dish. But if you ask me, the real estate industry taking its sweet time to accept tech feels a bit like downloading a 3GB file with a dead-slow internet connection. But hey, who doesn’t love a good ‘dragging-its-feet-to-progress’ story.

Looking on the bright side, we’re headed for more streamlined, efficient, and even custom solutions. Imagine, no more hunting for listings tucked away in the dusty corners of the internet, or dealing with mortified-looking old houses pretending to be cozy homes. Tech integration is bringing you the ‘easy-button’ for home searching – just keep your fingers crossed it doesn’t turn into a red, ‘easy-AI-takeover’ button.

All things considered, we’re here for this union – real estate and technology. So, cheers to the industry for finally ‘swiping right’!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/12/how-andy-kurtz-is-leveraging-tech-to-transform-real-estate/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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