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  • Real Estate Market Downswing: Vanishing Sellers, Swinging Mortgages, and the Endless Soap Opera

February 7, 2024

Real Estate Market Downswing: Vanishing Sellers, Swinging Mortgages, and the Endless Soap Opera

Essential Scoop: Real Estate Slows Down

  • HouseCanary reported a shrinkage of 17.5% in net new listings in the real estate market this January.
  • Contract signings also crumbled by 2%, thanks to see-sawing mortgage rates.
  • Buyers had more homes to choose from with the inventory enjoying a hike compared to 2022 and 2023, but the figure still lags behind historical levels.
  • Homeowners are getting cold feet about selling in a higher rate environment, becoming a roadblock to flourishing inventory rates.

Hilariously Horrid or Just Horrid?: Real Estate Highlights

And now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for – the unveiling of my hot, hot, *sizzling* take. Now, passing the microphone to those of you who are perpetually confused by economic trends, let’s break down what this all means.

Given the fact that sellers are pulling a nice ‘ol vanishing act, it’s clear we’ve entered into one of those paradoxical “where-did-everyone-go?” horror movie scenarios. Except the sudden disappearance isn’t caused by a plague or zombies or aliens – it’s instigated by mortifying mortgage rates.

Homeowners have decided that playing hide and seek with potential buyers in a high rate environment is more entertaining than actually selling. Now isn’t that a plot twist worthy of an M. Night Shyamalan film?

The market is bleeding net new listings, with a staggering 17.5 percent drop. Hold onto your hats, folks, because that’s more dramatic than any soap opera episode I’ve ever seen!

Despite an increase in total inventory – a sliver of silver lining in our otherwise cloud-covered saga – we’re still lagging behind historical averages. It seems our protagonist, the real estate market, can’t catch a break, but I say, keep your popcorn ready because every good drama needs a cliffhanger.

So, get your ringside seats for a game between homeowners and the rising mortgage rate monster or the sequel to “Guess Who’s Selling Today?” and we’ll see how this real-estate rollercoaster rides. Keep an eye on the track, though; it’s known to take a sharp curve when least expected. Can’t wait for the next episode of “As the Market Turns”, can you?

Posted: Real Estate Market Downswing: a Tale of Vanishing Sellers, Swinging Mortgages, and A Soap Opera That Never Ends

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/02/05/sluggish-net-new-listings-signal-that-the-lock-in-effect-is-not-over/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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