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December 27, 2023

Realtor Speaks Out: Shifting Focus to Clients for Real Estate Industry Success

Realtor Speaks Out: Clients First!

Key Takeaways:

Grant Clayton, a seasoned realtor from New Orleans, urges the real estate industry to focus on clients over agents.
– Clayton believes the industry suffers from a chronic case of what he calls “agentitis” – an excessive preoccupation with agents’ needs rather than clients’.
– The issue, as Clayton sees it, is that most agents are interested in what’s best for them, not what’s best for the client.
– Clayton argues that the only way the industry can thrive is by shifting focus and putting clients’ needs first.
– Real estate agencies must become more client-centric and less agent-centric. A renewed focus on clients could lead to an increase in happy customers and, ultimately, a boom in the industry.
– Clayton called for industry-wide change, emphasizing that all stakeholders, from agents to brokerage owners, must adopt a client-first mentality.

Closing: Clayton’s Hot Take

Real estate isn’t just bricks and mortar; it’s not just a business transaction, people! It’s dreams, hopes, a picket fence maybe, or a penthouse! Come on, let’s get real (estate)! According to our friend Grant Clayton, the industry has become a playground where agents chase after the fattest commission check ignoring that sweet old lady looking for a cozy retirement home or the young couple who just got married and dream of their first baby (and the need for a spare bedroom). Apparently, the industry’s got a terrible case of “agentitis,” and it’s time for a healthy dose of “client-cillin.” So, dear agents and brokerage owners, it’s not just about you. Start paying attention to the true building blocks of real estate, the clients. And who knows, maybe focusing on clients first might land you a bigger paycheck in the long run because happy clients equal happy pockets, isn’t it? Wink, wink!
Please note, no agents were harmed in the making of this hot take (but some egos may have been bruised).

Let’s Hear It for The Buyers and Sellers!

A round of applause, please, for our esteemed New Orleans realtor, Grant Clayton, for suggesting a potentially industry-changing philosophy. Will his rallying cry to focus on clients yield fortuitous results? Or, will the industry continue suffering from a self-inflicted case of agentitis? Only time (and maybe a real estate market apocalypse) will tell! So, whether you’re rooting for the agents, the clients, or just here for the market drama, strap in and brace yourselves – the real estate industry is in for a ride!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/26/the-race-to-the-bottom-is-about-to-begin-in-the-real-estate-industry/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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