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March 3, 2024

Realtors, Get Ready for the Client-Centric Approach Revolution!

Realtors, It’s Your Time to Shine! Client-Centric Approaches are In!

• Bernice Ross, a renowned realtor trainer du jour, is throwing pearls of wisdom around like confetti at a wedding. Her hot tip? Making real estate agents’ marketing materials all about the client.

• Ross’s approach is the equivalent of a radical new diet that, instead of telling you to cut out chocolate and red wine for life, says you can enjoy them, but in moderation. It’s a client-centric framework where agents go above and beyond, doing everything short of singing serenades by their clients’ windows at night.

• The real estate guru insists that adopting this client-focused model is the pivotal change agents should make to give their business the same exciting glow up as bespectacled high school nerds get in every teen movie.

• Furthermore, Ross emphasizes the importance of agents replacing their verbose, self-focused profiles with client testimonials that really capture their ability to sell ice to the Eskimos.

• Ross’s call-to-action? Don’t wait for the light at the end of the tunnel – light that darn tunnel yourself by embodying the holy trinity of real estate awesomeness: empathy, competence, and showing off your clients’ wins like a proud soccer mom.

Diving Deeper into the Concept: What does ‘Client-Centric’ Mean?

• Agents, dust off your dictionaries! In Ross’s vocabulary, ‘Client-Centric’ is to ‘Realtor’ as ‘Avocado’ is to ‘Millennial’. The term essentially suggests a pivot from a market-focused to a client-focused approach, taking your place at the center of the realtor universe and putting your clients there instead.

• According to Ross, creating a bio page on agents’ websites that’s less ‘Me, Myself and I’ and more ‘You, You and More About You’ is the key to unlocking new levels of success.

• It pays to remember that a home isn’t just a commodity for buyers. It’s a steppingstone to a lifetime of memory making – kitchen dance parties, joyful family dinners, continued cries of “MOM, where are my socks?” making each brick precious.

Final Thoughts: It’s all About the Client, Darling!

• Ross finalizes her revolutionary manifesto by urging agents to incorporate client testimonials, recent wins, and market knowledge into their marketing arsenal.

No more baseball-card style profiles, folks – let your client’s happiness be your headline, their newly found dream home your tagline, and the beaming smiles on their faces – your logo.

After sifting through Bernice Ross’s wisdom nuggets, I reckon realtors might as well be reinvented as real estate cupids – forging love connections between homes and their potential buyers. Indeed, the big fat epiphany here, ladies and gentlemen, is the client-centric approach. Promptly shoving the spotlight off from themselves, our realtor friends are accredited to juggle empathy, competence, and the clients’ victories to put together an enthralling show.

Instead of prattling about their achievements, it seems, they’re focusing on making their clients the heroes of the story. And, survey says – it’s working wonders! Who knew the world of estate agencies could sprinkle in some Hollywood tropes? Hey, as they say, life’s a pitch…and then you buy. So, next time you see a realtor, don’t be surprised about the glint in their eyes – they’re just trying to matchmake you with your forever home.

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/03/01/ditch-the-me-me-me-approach-to-marketing-and-negotiation/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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