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  • Revolutionizing Real Estate: Meet Warren Dow, the Tech Maestro at SavvyCard

December 1, 2023

Revolutionizing Real Estate: Meet Warren Dow, the Tech Maestro at SavvyCard

Here’s the skinny:

Meet Warren Dow, our Star

Warren Dow, the maestro at SavvyCard, had a ‘eureka’ moment and decided to swap his hat from traditional real estate to real estate tech. Apparently the grass isn’t always greener, but it’s more pixelated.

A Background to the Beats

Trained as a software engineer, Warren didn’t just wake up one morning and realize he loved real estate. His journey started with a waltz around software development, with a dash of corporate directorship before switching tunes.

Stepping into Familiar but Uncharted Territory

The man didn’t completely abandon his roots. Instead, he used his tech background to spruce up the real estate industry like it was a debutante getting ready for her first ball. He became the General Manager of the real estate division at none other than SavvyCard, which seems… savvy.

Real Estate + Technology == SavvyCard

SavvyCard, for those of you who don’t reside in the digital stratosphere, bridges the gap between real estate and technology. With its support, Warren is orchestrating a magnum opus that marries traditional real estate services with modern tech applications.

Sporting the Tech Hat

Moving to tech from the traditional real estate wasn’t like changing socks for Warren. He believes in the potential of technology to revolutionize the housing market, and clearly, he doesn’t stop at double rainbows.

And here’s my hot take:

Platinum Thoughts

Mr. Dow-as in ‘wow’, not as in the Down Jones-, is a real trendsetter. Who knew the worlds of “adding to cart” and “open house” could ever collide without causing an algorithm-induced apocalypse? Evidently, Warren’s walking this tightrope of innovation with the deftness of a trapeze artist, incorporating his tech wisdom into the conventional home-buying experience. So this isn’t a mere pivot; it’s a pirouette. It seems we’re at the dawn of a new era – one where your newly bought house could potentially rate you five stars. Well, a special thanks to Warren for making my job ten times harder with his innovation! Remember guys, tomorrow you may need to woo your house to keep it. Happy home-hunting, I guess? Knock on wood. Or should I say, click on pixels?

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/11/30/warren-dow-from-neuroscience-to-real-estate-tech-whiz/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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