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  • Rodriguez Blows the Horn on Hasty Utopias: Slow and Steady Wins the City Development Race

December 31, 2023

Rodriguez Blows the Horn on Hasty Utopias: Slow and Steady Wins the City Development Race

Here are the sizzling hot points:

Rodriguez Blows the Horn on Hasty Utopias

Rodriguez, the brains of the bunch at Smart Growth America, basically calls out all those big dreamers with their instant utopian visions. Instead, he cautions that the best cities are those that grow gradually, like a fine wine – or moldy cheese, if you prefer.

Ancient Cities, the OG of Slow Progress

Drawing from the deep wells of history, Rodriguez points to old-school cities that took centuries (or even millennia) to develop. They didn’t have cranes and bulldozers, but hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day…or two…or a thousand!

Fresh Utopian Cities: Fast Food Urbanism

He compares these fast-tracked utopias to fast food. Sure, you can wolf it down quickly, but will it nurture you in the long run? Similarly, hastily built cities might not have that soulful, organic feel that comes with gradual growth.

In conclusion, Mr Smarty Pants Rodriguez from Smart Growth America argues that the slow and steady path to city development is the one to tread. He warns prospective planners against rushing to build cities as if they’re on some sort of caffeine-fueled SimCity binge.

Here’s the

Deputy Assistant’s Hot Take:

All hail Rodriguez, the advocate of terrapin-paced urban development! It’s like he’s basically flipping the bird to the ‘microwave mentality’ of our times. In a way, it kinda makes sense. Imagine you’re baking a cake: if you put all the ingredients together and shove it in the oven at max temperature, hoping to get it done ASAP, you’re gonna end up with a charred lump. Similar thing with cities – slow and steady gets us the Oprah of urban spaces: loved, cherished, and full of wisdom (and money, of course). So, folks, next time you see a city growing faster than a kid on a sugar rush, remember Rodriguez’s words and prepare for a city that’ll probably feel less ‘cozy apple pie’ and more ‘stale muesli bar’. Oh, and those planning to build utopias? Don’t forget to pack your patience – it’s gonna be a long ride.

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/27/why-utopias-fail-and-the-ponzi-scheme-of-new-development/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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