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  • The 9 Most Walkable Cities in Rhode Island – A Stride Through The Little Big State

January 19, 2024

The 9 Most Walkable Cities in Rhode Island – A Stride Through The Little Big State

The 9 Most Walkable Cities in Rhode Island – A Stride Through The Little Big State

Key Points:

  • Real estate giant Redfin gets pedestrian, curating a list of the nine most walkable cities in Rhode Island.
  • Providence, the state capital, unsurprisingly, lands the top spot for its dense concentration of eateries, shops, parks and historic sights all accessible by foot.
  • Despite its smaller size, Pawtucket nabs the second place, showing that size doesn’t always matter when it comes to walkability.
  • Newport, well-known for its opulent mansion tours and stunning coastal views, comes in at a solid third ranking. Even the wealthiest cities, it turns out, are walkable!
  • East Greenwich, the elegant suburb, manages to carve narrow, windy, yet walkable paths for its residents, seizing the fourth place.
  • The list also saw unexpected small city gems like Central Falls, Woonsocket, Warren, Bristol and West Warwick, proving that sometimes, the best things do come in smaller packages.

Closing Remarks

As they say in the real estate business, it’s all about location, location, location! But, as Redfin’s list demonstrates, location isn’t spacious lawns and two-door garages, it’s how far your two legs can take you. It’s about being a hop, skip and jump away from the grocery store, your favorite coffee place, or that park where you jog every morning. And it seems like Little Rhody, despite its size, rises to the challenge, providing its residents with compact, convenient, and cardio-positive living conditions.

People are trading in their car keys for sneakers and cities like Providence, Pawtucket and even the fancy Newport are setting benchmarks for a healthy and sustainable urban lifestyle. Turns out, you don’t need the wingspan of an albatross to enjoy what the city has to offer–two human feet work just fine!

So, next time you’re house-hunting in Rhode Island, don’t just look at the house. Take a walk around the neighborhood. Because the best front yard might just be the city itself. And as for the walkability rate, don’t worry, we have a list for that!

A Walk in The Park or Around The Block? That’s Rhode Island For You!

Original article: https://www.redfin.com/blog/most-walkable-cities-in-rhode-island/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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