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  • The Impact of AI on the Real Estate Industry: Insights from Mosaik’s CEO, Sheila Reddy

January 16, 2024

The Impact of AI on the Real Estate Industry: Insights from Mosaik’s CEO, Sheila Reddy

Mosaik’s CEO Sheila Reddy underscores the impact of AI on the real estate industry in Inman Connect New York 2024.

She predicts AI will revolutionize the agent experience, shifting mundane tasks to automated systems, and allowing agents to focus on developing stronger relationships with clients.

AI, according to Reddy, will optimize the buying and selling process by analyzing large data sets with ease and accuracy, predicting housing market trends and personalizing client interactions.

The CEO further highlighted AI applications like chatbots, virtual tours, document management and data analysis as a boon for realtors.

Reddy believes in a future where AI and human realtors coexist, using their respective strengths to reshape the industry.

Final Sizzling Take

It’s like Siri met Monopoly! On the eve of Inman Connect New York 2024, real estate’s AI matrimony is blessed by Mosaik’s CEO, Sheila Reddy. Her vision? A union that saves the busy bees of the real estate world from a never-ending sequence of drudgery tasks. It just makes sense really – let bots crunch the numbers, while agents smother clients with attention, care, and a heap of personalized service.

Reddy’s AI-powered dreamscape reimagines the industry as a stage, where number-crunching bots and humans play to their strengths. As imagined, the duets are brilliant – chatbot answering inquiries while agent sips coffee, AI sifting through documents while agent shakes hands with happy clients, virtual tours led by AI while agents entertain clients over brunch. Real estate agents, unbuckle your worry belts: You’re not being replaced, you’re getting sidekicks!

It seems an AI-revolution whispers on the horizon, ready to woo the real estate scene with unrivaled efficiency, accuracy and a good bout of data wizardry. So, gear up folks, it’s not just “business as usual,” it’s business with a sprinkle of AI-magic!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/16/2023-was-about-using-ai-2024-is-about-using-it-better-mosaik-ceo/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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