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  • The Law of Three: Mastering the Key Pillars of Business Leadership

November 30, 2023

The Law of Three: Mastering the Key Pillars of Business Leadership

  • Count ’em, just three. That’s how many areas in any business Luxury Consultant Chris Pollinger believes you need to be a master of in order to be a successful leader, introducing the Earth-shattering Law of Three.
  • Numero Uno, knowledge of your company’s industry. This includes a terrifying plunge into the abyss of real estate market trends, competition analysis and economic factors. In other words, get your nose in the book!
  • Second in the list, no surprise there, is financial knowledge. Mama always said maths would help someday – knowing how to balance budgets, analyze financial statements and predict sales sure makes that come true. Embrace your inner nerd and start crunching the numbers!
  • Strap on your motivational speaker suspenders because the number three on the list is leadership. Any leader worth their salt can stir emotions, drive motivation, and handle conflicts like a pro WrestleMania referee!

Hot Take

Do the Math, it Adds Up!

Let’s face it, running a business isn’t as glamorous as it looks on “Shark Tank.” Contrary to popular belief, catchy slogans and stunning presentations aren’t enough. So when Chris Pollinger, a man with valuable selling, training, coaching and leadership experience under his snazzy suit belt, boils your priorities down to just three, it’s worth lending an ear.

The Takeaway?

If you’re in real estate management (or heck, any business), the Law of Three is the new mantra – Industry Knowledge, Financial Understanding, and Leadership Skills. These aren’t just three random points from a Motivation 101 textbook; they are the stuff the heavy hitters of the business world focus on. They might not sound fun, but this isn’t a game folks, it’s business. Consider it like Hogwarts, but instead of Defense Against the Dark Arts, it’s Defense against Bankruptcy and Bad Leadership! Come on folks! Focus on the trio, master them and voila! You’re ten times more likely to make it to the cover of Forbes.

Gentlemen, Start Your Databases and Managers, Sharpen your Leaderskills!

Business leadership doesn’t have the shortcuts of a Mario Kart track. Master the Law of Three and you can avoid blue-shell incidents in the race of business. So hang up your inspirational posters, get down to detailed market research, become best buds with Excel and boot up your Tony Robbins CDs. It’s time to lead like a boss, literally!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/11/30/learn-the-law-of-3-a-strategic-tool-for-real-estate-leadership/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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