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  • The Lawsuit Chronicles: A $30 Million Property, Miscommunication, and Courtroom Fireworks

January 7, 2024

The Lawsuit Chronicles: A $30 Million Property, Miscommunication, and Courtroom Fireworks

The Lawsuit Chronicles:

J. Michael Issa, carrying the weight of B. Riley Financial, has sprinted to the LA Superior Court. His gripe? He’s claiming the city pulled a ‘Loki reverse card’ on him, swearing permits for construction work on his property were still alive and kicking only to claim, “Surprise, they’re not!” upon closer touchdown.

The Story of the Property:

This plot isn’t just some Jenga blocks being slapped together; we’re talking a robust $30 million estate here! A not-so-humble abode for someone who prefers gold leaf for breakfast, or as they say, money… well, you know the rest.

The “Gotcha” Moment:

According to “Issa the Irritated”, the city span a naughty web of miscommunication, causing him to lose a sweet $1.3 million in site work (Ouch!). Should’ve double-checked that parking ticket, eh?

What Happens Now:

Now, our disgruntled money man is demanding ‘refresh my piggy bank’ damages to the tune of $10 million. He is also playing the ‘public smackdown’ card, seeking a court ruling panning the city’s unfair, tricky-dicky shenanigans.

The City’s Stance:

The city, all pumped up for a counter-attack, retorts: permits lapsed, you knew about it. And oh, they’re suing back for $500k towards litigation expenses incurred. A slice of petty in every bite!

There was a whole hoo-ha about whether Issa had a legal permit or not. And the plot thickens like a cheap soup mix when it’s revealed that the site, an exclusive beachfront property that’s more elusive than a unicorn, is suspected to be smack bang in the middle of a coastal tidelands trust property. Ah, the nerve!

In a typical ‘he said, she said’, the courts are left holding the messy end of the dispute stick.

In Conclusion: The Real Estate Jenga Game

Mountains Out of Molehills, Or Just Plain Miscommunication?

Get Ready for Some Courtroom Fireworks

Seeing millionaires engage in a cat-fight over building permits and sandbox rights isn’t an everyday spectacle, is it? If you threw in some popcorn, a comforting sofa, and an eccentric commentator (hint: yours truly), you’d have a pay-per-view event rivalling the Super Bowl!

So the city supposedly backtracked on some permits for a Scrooge-sized mansion. Issa is fuming like a modern-day Oliver Twist, fists clenched, shouting, “I want MORE!” How very ordinary, yet rivetingly extraordinary!

In a shocking plot twist (because what’s a lawsuit without some spice, right?), claims pop up about the property being part of a coastal tidelands trust. Perhaps, we’re in for some Indiana Jones kind of mystery seeing Issa and company go treasure hunting for legal permits amongst the seaweed and crabs!

One thing’s for sure, this isn’t just checkers; it’s a fiery game of real estate chess. There will be knights protecting kings, rooks barrelling down open files, and pawns dutifully marching forward, each playing their part in the stormy seas of land disputes and legalese. Let the games begin!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/05/la-sued-for-canceling-mohamed-hadids-spec-home-permits/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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