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  • The Real Estate World: It’s All About Company Culture

November 24, 2023

The Real Estate World: It’s All About Company Culture

  • Reach for the stars, real estate peeps: Inman Intel’s October 2023 index shows a whopping 30% of real estate agents and 55% of mortgage and real estate broker-owners agreeing that company culture is the Ron Burgundy of the real estate world – it’s kind of a big deal when setting a company apart in the industry.
  • Not a popularity contest, but: Although financials matter, company culture came first in Inman Intel’s report. This holds true especially for broker-owners, who, let’s be real, live and breathe this stuff. Just shows you can’t put a price tag on a swanky office or a boss who knows your dog’s name.
  • No suit and tie here, folks: It seems the best way to keep real estate professionals glued to their office chair (or in the field, or the beach depending on the weather) is not solely a bulging pay packet. Employees are seeking companies with a laid-back yet professional working environment that motivates them to do their best.

The Real Ron Burgundy of Real Estate

What sets the Real Estate World Apart? It’s Not Exactly Rocket Science…or is it?

Company Culture – More Than Just Casual Fridays

In the wise words of the high-priestess of pop, Lady Gaga, “Baby, there ain’t no other superstar, you know that I’ll be”. This is surprisingly apt when it comes to describing what it takes to excel in the real estate world. As per recent observations, it seems that company culture has taken centre stage, hungrily gulping down the spotlight. That’s right, it isn’t the fat wads of cash, or the shiny skyscrapers that make a company attractive in the concrete jungle of real estate – it’s the company culture.

Estate agents and broker-owners, those financial wizards with a knack for finding you a cosy (or grand, or edgy, or vintage) nook you can call home, are the true believers in this mantra. They aren’t asking for a trip to the moon, just a down-to-earth working environment that doesn’t make them feel like they’re on a different planet entirely. Let’s face it, work isn’t all suit and tie; sometimes it’s just jeans and a nice top. Or pyjamas, if you’re reaching out to clients from the comfort of your own home office (sure, that counts!).

In an industry famous for its competitive soul, it’s a breath of fresh air to see the emphasis shift to the value of a harmonious workspace. It’s not all about the bottom line anymore, nor is it about fancy lunches or suave business suits. The message is clear: don’t be the ‘Wolf of Wallstreet,’ be the ‘Pack of Postive Vibes’. People are drawn towards a culture where they can feel valued, comfortable, and most importantly, where they can be themselves. There’s no business like people business, after all. Ironical isn’t it? In a field focused on brick and mortar, it’s the soft stuff that actually matters!

Hot Take

Welcome to 2023, where company culture is the new influencer. More people in the real estate industry are ditching the “cookie-cutter corporate” life in favor of a place where employees feel valued and motivated. Or in the words of our favourite space ranger Buzz Lightyear, real estate professionals are looking for a ‘company culture to infinity and beyond!”. So, dear real estate companies, if you want to see an army of happy faces around the office (or on Zoom), start giving them more than just a good pay check. Make your employees’ well-being a priority, help them feel valued and watch your business skyrocket. After all, there’s no place like home, even when it comes to the office!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/11/21/agents-choose-lively-culture-over-cutting-edge-technology-triple-i/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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