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  • The Rise of “Martech” Tools in Real Estate: Streamlining Success

January 26, 2024

The Rise of “Martech” Tools in Real Estate: Streamlining Success

The Dawn of “Martech” Tools and Real Estate Mojos

  • Real estate agents and brokers are discovering the shiny gadgets and gizmos of “martech”, a portmanteau of marketing and technology.
  • Before diving headfirst into this tech haven, experts recommend first finding a niche or area of expertise which can form the bedrock of the agent’s brand.
  • This area of expertise should not only throw light on the agent’s unique selling proposition but also form a solid pathway to long-lasting client relationships.
  • Once these brand anchors are in place, “martech” tools can be used to amplify the brand’s reach, streamlining prospecting and client follow-up processes.
  • A few standout “martech” tools breaking the mold of real estate business include CRM platforms, marketing automation software, and social media management dashboards.
  • Besides automation and time-saving capabilities, these tools save real estate professionals the nuanced hair-pulling of trying to manage their client relationships manually.

‘Chipping Away’ at Real Estate – One “Martech” Tool at a Time

  • CRM platforms automate the mundane tasks of tracking client meetings, capturing real-time data, and creating databases that can be used for future prospecting and business growth opportunities.
  • Marketing automation software holds up the sky when it comes to lead generation, nurturing, and conversion. It helps to keep the brand’s focus and communication consistent across different channels.
  • Social media management dashboards empower agents to put their best digital foot forward, curating, and posting content that resonates with their target audiences.
  • On top of all these, “martech” tools also help track and analyze data, providing insights into the health of client relationships and the overall effectiveness of brand strategies.

Jack of All Trades, Master of One Successful Real Estate Business.

And now for the hot take – In the big bad world of real estate, “martech” tools seems to be the latest lethal arsenal for agents. But, before you jump into the fray, remember agents, not all that glitters is gold. These tools are only as good as the brand strategy they’re serving. So, put on your thinking caps and discover what makes your brand unique, sprinkle some of that magic in the client relationships you are building, and then, and only then, let the “martech” tools do the heavy lifting on automation and management. It’s like finding the secret recipe to mama’s favorite pie – you gotta crack the code first before you get to enjoy the delightful, scrumptious success!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/23/how-to-stand-out-from-the-ai-marketing-noise/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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