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  • Tickle Your Funny Bone: Unmasking the Quirks of Real Estate

February 18, 2024

Tickle Your Funny Bone: Unmasking the Quirks of Real Estate

Tickle Your Funny Bone as We Delve Into the Quirks of Real Estate

Key Points to Laugh, Learn & Remember:

  • Every Buyer isn’t a Square Peg: Real estate broker Michelle Coffing underlines the importance of understanding client’s taste, insisting everyone is an epic novel with a unique storyline, and only when we read their narrative will the ideal home pop on the screen.
  • History in the Making: Coffing emphasizes the role of historical context in home choices. The Victorian? Art Deco? Mid-Century Modern? Different eras speak different stories, and our buyers are the listeners falling for these tales! So, keep up with your history, folks!
  • The Regional Twist: She suggests considering regional influences, because ‘When in Rome, live as the Romans do’, right? The architectural style, local materials used, climate adaptations – oh, so much goes into making a home more than just bricks and mortar.
  • The Aesthetics of Living: Coffing insists a home should reflect the aesthetic preferences of its owner. It’s not about just four walls and a roof, but a canvas that the buyer gets to paint their life on! So, make sure the canvas matches your colors of joy.
  • Lifestyle Compatibility Check: Our humble broker underlines the need to ensure that the home suits the buyers’ lifestyle. A social butterfly might not thrive in a secluded countryside house, and a tranquil yogi might suffocate in a bustling city apartment!

Brace Yourself, Here Comes Our Hot Take!

Who knew the journey of home buying could sound like a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ book filled with unique tastes, historical tales, regional quirks, aesthetics, and lifestyle choices!

Really, all fun and games aside, the simple act of buying a house involves a careful dance of all these factors. It’s like cooking a gourmet meal – the right ingredients, the perfect temperature, the best recipe, all mixed with a lot of love, makes the perfect ‘home cooked meal’.

But remember, much like your eccentric Aunt Peggy’s annual mystery casserole, it might not always turn out exactly how you expected. And that’s the real fun, isn’t it?

Take your cue from broker Michelle Coffing; lend an ear to that grand narrative that each buyer weaves, and then led by the light of that story – unmask the soulmate from the sea of houses.

Where else can you get a swirl of history, geography, personal preferences, and lifestyle choices all wrapped up in the purchase of four walls and a roof? So, strap in adventurers, because real estate isn’t just about property, it’s a journey! A journey into the heart of desire, the annals of history, and the warmth of the homestead. Now, isn’t that something to tickle your funny bone?

So next time, when you’re romanticizing the idea of your dream home, remember to be the Shakespeare of your own story. Paint the canvas of your home with the colors of your soul, shaped by time and molded by the winds of the region you choose. After all, in the immortal words of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, “there’s no place like home!”

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/02/16/matchmaking-architectural-styles-and-buyers-a-brokers-perspective/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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