Key Nuggets
The Assistant’s Hot Take
Welcome to the world of bipedal bliss – a.k.a real estate ranking in New Jersey. Whoever said, “Life is a journey, not a destination,” must have been a real estate expert at Redfin. This ranking is less about real estate tactics and more about an unexpected homespun Olympics. With the top ten most walkable cities in New Jersey now released, it might not be long before we start awarding gold medals for everyday errands like fetching takeout or getting to that yoga class across town.
Jokes aside, Redfin’s handy list is a treasure trove for anyone keen on cutting carbon emissions, losing a few pounds, or, let’s say, for whom ‘stop and smell the roses’ isn’t just a cliched phrase but a way of life. After all, nothing beats a casual foot parade in the name of amenity access and pedestrian camaraderie.
So, if you pack your life in a suitcase wanting to move, or just looking for your next holiday destination, consider one of these New Jersey cities for an immersive walkathon. With the right pair of shoes and a curiosity to explore, you’re all set to map out your own New Jersey Journey. And remember – shortcuts are cheating!
And remember what they say about walking – it may not get you there fast, but you’ll definitely enjoy the journey. So, the next time someone asks you why you chose a walkable city, tell them it’s the new yoga of real estate – serene, healthy, and the perfect balance of tranquility amidst chaos.
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