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  • Whip Out Your Camcorder – Say Hello to ‘Ask The Agent’: The Ultimate Real Estate Video Production Suite

January 26, 2024

Whip Out Your Camcorder – Say Hello to ‘Ask The Agent’: The Ultimate Real Estate Video Production Suite

– ‘Ask The Agent’ is a nifty video production suite that aids real estate agents in creating short, engaging video resources. It’s the love child of Steven Spielberg and open-house tours, and it’s primarily for clients, leads, and colleagues.
– This platform is easy to use; even your tech-phobic Uncle Larry could whip up a video or two. It’s meant to help agents create informative videos with minimal effort and brainpower.
– ‘Ask The Agent’ features a library of common real estate questions sourced from agents, resulting in content that is accurate and relevant. It’s like a crowd-sourced, video-based encyclopedia for real estate.
– The suite comes integrated with email and social media tools for easy sharing. An email blast with an attached video is now just a click away. Party like it’s 1999, anyone?
– Agents can add a personal touch to their videos by uploading an intro and an outro. It’s a sneaky way for them to appear more human and less robotic behind the lens.
– Pricing for ‘Ask The Agent’ has not been made public yet. Shh! It’s a secret.

Whip Out Your Camcorder – Say Hello to ‘Ask The Agent’

Stitching Spielberg-esque Craftsmanship With Real Estate

‘Ask The Agent’ is a web-based video production suite designed to help agents create short-form video content in a snap, quicker than they can say “sold!” It’s a one-stop-shop for creating, editing and sharing real estate-oriented videos, sort of like a younger, more real estate savvy brother of iMovie.

Easy-Peasy Video Creation

The platform is designed for agents on the go, with friendly user interface akin to a helpful grandma – guiding you kindly through the process. It can wave its magic wand and transform the most technologically challenged agents into video creating wizards.

A Library Rich In Real Estate Bedsit

‘Ask The Agent’ boasts a library of real estate questions frequently asked by agents, resulting in content that is as relevant as avocado toast at a millennial brunch.

Share It Like It’s Hot!

The suite revamps antiquated methods of sharing videos ensuring your creation reaches your leads like a well-driven golf ball. Dust off your party anthems because emailing your elegant video has been simplified to just one click.

Personalize Your Stardom

For a dash of authenticity, agents can upload their own intro and outro. It’s a perfect setup for you to strut your stuff and nonetheless steal your client’s heart.

Juicy Pricing Details – A Mystery Wrapped Inside An Enigma

The exact pricing for ‘Ask The Agent’ is currently under wraps. It’s the best kept secret since Coca Cola’s recipe.

In a classic “meets” movie trope, ‘Ask The Agent’ is the lovechild of the ease of making TikTok videos and the sophistication of HGTV house tours. This web-based video production suite is shaking the martini of real estate agents’ dreams – less time on content creation, more time closing deals. It’s like a multi-tool army knife for agents who want to add a dash of the 21st century to their craft. And to clip the suspense, the pricing model sounds like it’s gearing up for a dramatic telenovela reveal. Latino Soap opera Twist, anyone? So, ‘Ask The Agent’, when do we get a peek behind the velvet rope? Your guess is as good as mine!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/26/video-content-is-hard-just-ask-the-agent-tech-review/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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