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  • Who Needs the Crystal Ball? Real Estate Lessons for a Lucrative Future

January 1, 2024

Who Needs the Crystal Ball? Real Estate Lessons for a Lucrative Future

Who Needs the Crystal Ball? Advise for the Future Based on Past Real Estate Trends

Key Breakdown Points:


Markets love to play yoyo, but with your life savings

Bernice advises that property markets aren’t exactly a linear path to riches. They have their down turns, up swings and sometimes, rather chilling plateaus. It’s a rollercoaster folks! Hold on to your house deeds!


The long game always wins… eventually

Like a slow-and-steady tortoise with a ridiculously large mortgage, those who stick with the market for the long haul are likely to reap rewards. The market isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme; it’s a slow, note-paying, property-managing marathon.


Never underestimate tortoises…or slow-town real estate markets

Just because a market isn’t the hot-spot du jour doesn’t mean it’s not a worthwhile investment. Every tortoise town has its day, even if it takes decades of slow, steady progress. So don’t write off those out-of-the-way areas just yet. They might be the belle of next year’s property ball.


Cold, hard cash is a hot commodity in Real Estate

When the market gets choppy, having cash on hand is a major advantage. A bit of liquidity can open up doors in the most solidly locked property landscapes.


Real Estate Peter Pans and Tinker-bell Tech

Tech advancements are continually shaping and re-shaping the real estate market, making those who adapt the Peter Pans of the property world. So strap on your fairy wings and get keen on tech if you want to stay forever young in the market.

Summary: What These Wild Real Estate Lessons Mean For You

Sure, we all would like to predict the future, polish our crystal balls and know which way the property winds will blow in 2024. But as our seasoned soothsayer of the property market, Bernice, suggests: we might do better to look back before we look forward.

Like a roller-coaster hypnotist who could predict every dip, twist, and turn based on his last wild ride, Real Estate demands we pay attention to what’s happened before. This might involve chewing our nails as we watch market fluctuations or sighing over the Mr. Darcy-esque selling power of cash. Even if we can’t make a hotspot appear with a simple flick of the wrist, we can increase our odds by focusing on hidden Cinderella markets that are yet to have their moment at the ball.

Sure, even with a look back, the real estate market might still feel like a bucking bronco in a field of blindfolded land-lord cowboys. But with a little bit of wit, wisdom, enough cash to grease the wheels, and a good sense of past market shenanigans, we can all hold the reins a little tighter. It’s 2024, y’all. Strap in; it’s gonna be one slo-mo rollercoaster ride filled with flying fairies, rich tortoises and, hopefully, some lucrative real estate rainbows!

Now, where did I put my crystal ball… and my cowboy boots?

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/29/9-aha-moments-that-significantly-improved-my-life-in-2023/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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