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December 12, 2023

A Balanced Approach: Blending Personal and Business Promotion with Nikki Beauchamp

Blending Dual Promotion with Self-Promotion: Sotheby’s Nikki Beauchamp Shares Some Tips!

– Sotheby’s maven Nikki Beauchamp suggests that combining personal and brand promotion can be effective.
– Beauchamp bares her secret sauce – it’s about using a mix of authentic self-promotion and savvy branding techniques.
– The real estate guru emphasizes the cruciality of authenticity, engagement and trust.
– She advises against promoting only the business, stating it’s also important to humanize oneself to the targeted demographic.
– Beauchamp advises to rigorously attend local events, to create and enhance connections with the community.
– She also encourages to build a distinctive personal brand to stand out amid a sea of competitors.
– Beauchamp warns to refrain from sharing too much personal information on corporate social media accounts.
– She urges to keep the focus on what you’re doing in business, so the presence doesn’t deviate into personal life only.
– According to Beauchamp, sliding some sneak peek into your hobbies or activities to show your human side is a nice addition.

A Balanced Approach towards Branding Yourself and Your Business… The Beauchamp Way!

The concept of promoting oneself and their business at the same time might seem like trying to juggle flaming swords while riding a unicycle – exciting yet dangerous. At least until you know how to. Enter the realm of Nikki Beauchamp, our Sotheby’s maven. She not only suggests that it’s possible, but also how graciously it can be done. It’s not all about up-selling your slick shiny logo or your polished protocol; sometimes showing off your human side works too.

Be Authentic, Be Engaged – Nikki’s Real Estate Mantras!

Authenticity is the new currency, according to Beauchamp. She highlights the importance of building authentic relationships with clients and offers a twist – take them with you on your journey, keeping them engrossed in not just your business, but also you. Beauchamp urges us to be the Gordian knot that ties the community and the organization together. Attend local events: be vibrant, be visible. Your social value goes up along with your brand.

Avoid Over-Sharing Personal Information and Keep It Fun!

While openness is appreciated, don’t bare your soul on your business Instagram, quips Beauchamp. There’s a clear line between being friendly and TMI (Too Much Information). Keep it ‘business casual’. An occasional post about your cat doing crazy stunts or your succulent Sunday roast can be nice add-ons. They make you personable without dwindling your business presence.

Hot Take:

In the modern world, where customers can easily see through fabricated promotional material, authenticity is key. Nikki Beauchamp’s marketing approach, fresh as a farmer’s market apple, aligns exactly with that. It’s not just about shouting your brand from the rooftops anymore but introducing yourself and saying, “Hey! I’m human too!”. Precisely blending personal and business promotion is crucial in today’s brand-conscious society. So in Beauchamp’s words, it’s time to peek from behind the curtains of your corporate presentation and show the world who’s the multitasking corporal-human wizard inside.

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/11/its-not-about-you-promote-yourself-without-the-sales-schmaltz/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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