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  • Bernice Ross’s Interview with REDX CEO: Key Points on Real Estate Lead Generation, Personalized Marketing, and Portals

March 2, 2024

Bernice Ross’s Interview with REDX CEO: Key Points on Real Estate Lead Generation, Personalized Marketing, and Portals

Bernice Ross’s Interview with REDX CEO Curtis Fenn

Key Points from the Interview

  • Current real estate lead generation techniques are increasingly recognizing the power of personalized marketing. That means cold calls, door knocks, and direct mail are still in – so dust off that Do-Not-Call registry list!
  • Fenn emphasizes the dynamic and evolving nature of the real estate market; stress balls and coffee mugs printed with agent’s faces won’t cut it any longer for marketing. The sacred trifecta of communication, technology, and personal interaction are critical.
  • The real estate industry is known for its unpredictability and volatility, but Fenn confidently claims that with the right strategies, agents can increase their revenue and widen their pool of potential clients by kvetching just right to their tastes.
  • Portals still retain their relevance in the industry, despite the growing popularity of personalized marketing techniques. However, prospective leads generated via portals often require a more personalised approach and a skilled agent to convert them into actual sales.

Your Real Estate Guru’s Hot Take

So, clueless as a goldfish about the world of real estate? Fear not, I’m here to make you feel like Warren Buffett in comparison to your houseplant. Allow me to do my best to sum up this riveting chit-chat between Ross and Fenn.

In pure “Mean Girls” fashion, cold calls, door knocks, and direct mails aren’t yet ousted from the table of popular kids. Apparently, the more the world jumps headfirst into the digital vortex, the more people seem to appreciate a good old-fashioned smidgeon of human contact. But, don’t get too comfortable. You can’t just sit around nomming cookies, expecting profits to rain. No, dear Watson, you need to noodle on the holy trinity of communication, technology, and a dab of interpersonal skills.

Next up, Fenn made a bunch of folks gulp down their java with his comment about real estate unpredictability. Apparently, unpredictability isn’t a mutant superpower to scare off agents, but an opportunity to pickaxe their way to the top. It’s all about the right strategy to sparkles and rainbows, folks!

Last but cork-poppingly not least, those sounding the knell for portals might want to retract their doomsday predictions. They’re still alive and kicking, thank you very much. Cracking the code of portal leads might require the finesse of a chess master and just a dash of actual skill, though.

So there you go, all you need to know from this tête-à-tête, served up with a side of wittiness. The world of real estate, as per usual, remains a labyrinth of possibilities and choices, spinning its web, forging connections, exploring channels, and making a downright thrilling game out of unpredictability. Buckle up, buttercup!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/03/01/using-paid-leads-heres-the-fcc-change-you-need-to-know-now/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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