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  • Breakdown of Hart’s Departure from Compass: The Story Behind the Decision and Compass’ Plans without a COO

December 14, 2023

Breakdown of Hart’s Departure from Compass: The Story Behind the Decision and Compass’ Plans without a COO

Breakdown of Hart’s Departure from Compass

• Compass hired Hart in 2020 to act as their Chief Operating Officer (COO), promising big business changes and growth.

• This week, Hart announced his departure. Not just a “see you later,” but more like a “Dueces, I’m switching the game!”

• To fill the gaping hole left by Hart’s departure, Compass won’t be searching for a new COO. Instead, they’re chucking the idea of a COO in the bin – no replacements, no runners-up.

The Story Behind Hart’s Departure

• Compass was under the impression Hart would bring them revolutionary growth and success given his prior experience.

• However, it seems Compass is now okay if their silver bullet decided to leave. They’re not posting a “COO Wanted” sign anytime soon.

• The announcement of Hart’s departure stirred the pot a bit, leading to speculations on what could’ve possibly led to such a decision.

Compass’ Plans without a COO

• With Hart’s position at Compass eliminated, the business operations will now be supported by the legions of other senior executives… or alien robots, who knows at this point?

• Compass believes that this new structure will allow each team, robo-buddies included, to focus more directly on their respective roles and improve overall efficiency. An interesting thought experiment if there ever was one!

So Who or What Had Hart Cheering “I’m Out!”?

• Prior to joining Compass, Hart had a notable position at Eventbrite. It appears that he’s kept his options open… or rather, left a convenient backdoor open.

• Hart’s next grand adventure remains shrouded in mystery, like a superhero’s secret identity. Let’s hope he doesn’t plan on becoming a full-time TikTok influencer, though.

Final Takeaway

Our beloved Hart is leaving his role at Compass, leaving behind shoes that are apparently too big (& unnecessary) to fill. On the plus side, Hart’s departure has warranted the company to evaluate its structural needs, leading to a peculiar decision – “Who needs a COO?” Brace yourselves, Hart may be coming to a brokerage near you! Or he might be pulling a Batman stunt, but the mystery remains unresolved. Deuces to Hart for adding a hefty dose of intrigue to the world of real estate.

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/12/compass-coo-greg-hart-to-leave-company-at-year-end/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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