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  • Commission Negotiations: The Future of Residential Real Estate

January 26, 2024

Commission Negotiations: The Future of Residential Real Estate

Commission Negotiations: The Future of Residential Real Estate

Key Points About This Big Real Estate Revelation

  • Four real estate experts at Inman Connect New York highlighted the future of residential real estate may closely mimic the commission negotiation process in commercial real estate.
  • The suggestion of these industry experts is that residential real estate agents need to brace for a future where they will need to negotiate their commission rates, rather than relying on fixed rates.
  • These changes in the commission structure could essentially redefine how much real estate agents make, and how they engage with clients.
  • The panel stressed the importance of transparency and flexibility in the real estate transaction process, which can only be achieved through open discussions about commissions.
  • Residential real estate agents must educate themselves about commercial commission negotiations to ensure their stay afloat in the ever-volatile real estate market.
  • This shift in the industry is seen as a response to the growing consumer demands for fairness, transparency and accountability in the world of real estate.

Hot Take: The Future of Real Estate Commission Negotiations

From the comfortable cocoons of fixed commission rates, the residential real estate sector may soon be venturing into the wild jungle of commercial-like commission negotiation. Hold on to your yard signs, agents, ’cause you might be swapping out those cozy loafers for some serious hiking boots as you navigate this complex terrain.

But don’t panic yet, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, who doesn’t love a solid game of haggling? Imagine it, a real estate version of Pawn Stars, but instead of dusty trinkets, it’s big, beautiful houses.

This push towards commission negotiation isn’t being pulled out of thin air, either. Consumers aren’t shy these days, demanding more accountability, openness and fairness from their agents; a noble ask that means professionals will need to up their game. No more set-and-forget commission rates, my real estate amigos. Now, you’ll need skills in diplomacy, negotiation and quite possibly, interpretive dance (hey, never underestimate the power of an engaging performance to seal a deal).

So, you’d better start brushing up on your debate skills, quick with your counteroffers, and for the love of all things real estate – transparent since today it’s all about clear-cut dealings. Get ready for the evolutionary leap from residential to commercial real estate agent because times are changing, and so are commission negotiations. And remember, the key to survival is adaptation. In the wild world of real estate, you either adapt, or you’re readying your retirement plan. Your choice!

Let’s call all this a win for the powerful, feisty creature known as consumer rights. In the end, it’s always survival of the fittest and, my dear agents, your fitness is about to be seriously tested.

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/25/commercial-deals-offer-a-new-post-sitzer-compensation-model/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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