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November 28, 2023

Cracking Down on the Blame Game in Real Estate: The Battle Between Agents and NAR

Cracking Down on the Blame Game in Real Estate: The Battle Between Agents and NAR

Key Points:

  • Jason Haber, founder of The NAR (National Association of Realtors) Accountability Project, aims to stir up revolution in the real estate industry.
  • His advocacy isn’t a mini revolt. He’s challenging the age-old norm where agents are left to foot the bill for the Association’s errors.
  • Haber argues that NAR’s deficient actions and decisions often lead to burdensome consequences that unfairly fall on the agents’ shoulders. From data breaches to improper management practices, agents end up footing the bill.
  • Now, he demands change; a change that encompasses transparent responsibility for NAR, and a shield for agents against unjust penalty costs.
  • With the NAR Accountability Project, Haber is bringing his demand for change and accountability to the forefront, putting pressure on NAR to step up its game and take responsibility.
  • Additionally, Haber’s plan includes establishing more influential voices who would put the agents’ interests first and ensure they have the right protection from an association that should be looking out for them instead of throwing them under the bus.

The Final Gist: A Hot Take

Haber’s Hangup:

In the never-ending saga of real estate drama (because who needs reality TV), Jason Haber is stepping into the ring, gloves off and ready to take swings at the NAR. It’s not a tiff we haven’t seen before. It’s the same old story, an association making mistakes and the agents coughing up cash to cover them.

Maybe it’s high time someone addressed it, and there’s nobody like rebellious Haber to do it. Donning the cape and the mask, he’s bringing the heat to the NAR with his NAR Accountability Project. Rather than agents playing a costly game of hot potato with the Association’s bloopers, Haber wants the organization itself to finally hold that searing spud. (Mind your fingers, NAR!)

From breaches in data to all other sorts of mischief, Haber is demanding NAR to finally step up, put their big pants on, and take one for the team (because it is their mistake, after all).

It’s a tug-of-war for responsibility, and Haber’s standing in the middle. One can only hope his efforts pull the industry towards a fairer division of accountability. Because, let’s be honest, who wants to pay for someone else’s party foul? Certainly not the agents. After all, every penny counts in the world of real estate.

So, as the drama unfolds, all we can do is grab the popcorn, sit back, and see whether Haber’s call for revolution will lead to an industry shake-up, or if it’ll dissolve into another missed opportunity down the real estate rabbit hole. Either way, it’s sure to make for a good show.

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/11/27/nar-put-on-a-brave-face-at-nxt-but-accountability-is-on-the-way/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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