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  • Decoding Real Estate in Bed-sharing Style: A Quirky Solution to Toronto’s Housing Crisis

November 23, 2023

Decoding Real Estate in Bed-sharing Style: A Quirky Solution to Toronto’s Housing Crisis

  • “Bed-sharing solution”: A listing on Facebook has caused quite the stir in Toronto when it popped up advertising a half share of a queen-size bed in a condo for $900 CAD/month.
  • Female roomie wanted: The advert states an “easy going female” is the desired roommate, not surprising given the close-quarter sleeping arrangements.
  • Location, location, location: The condo is aptly located in pricey downtown Toronto, where property values and rental rates are notoriously high.
  • Premium amenities: The ad highlighted full access to room’s facilities like WiFi and laundry. Plus, a great view of the city to distract you from the limited personal space.
  • Public reaction: The community’s response has been varied, ranging from genuine acceptance for the creative solution to Toronto’s housing crisis, to outrage over the astronomical prices for shared spaces.

Decoding Real Estate in Bed-sharing Style

You know what they say, half a bread is better than none, or in Toronto’s heated real estate parlance, half a bed is better than not having a roof over your head. In a nutshell, the housing market in Toronto is leaning towards ‘quirky and innovative’ territory.

And Then There Were Two…In a Bed

The hustle and bustle of city living just got a little cozier with a solution that screams intimacy and not much privacy – half a queen bed for a touch under $900 a month. Get yourself an “easy going female” roomie, and you’re all set. The vibe is not too different from a sleepover, if the sleepover lasted 30 days and you had to pay to be there.

Sharing is Caring

So, what do you get with your half-a-bed deal? According to the advert, you get full access to facilities like the WiFi (to surf about tenants’ rights and reasonable housing), laundry (because who wouldn’t want fresh sheets for their half bed) and let’s not forget the piece de resistance – an outstanding view of the city to remind you of the thriving metropolis that affords you such unique living arrangements.

Navigating Toronto’s Real Estate Jungle

Responses to the advert were mixed, reflecting the broader sentiment of navigating the housing market in downtown Toronto. Some people found the idea innovative, a creative, albeit uncomfortable workaround to the continual problem of affordable housing. Others were not as understanding, shocked at the gall to demand such prices for essentially shared space, while pointing out obvious issues including privacy invasion.

There’s No Business Like Bed Business

Dealing with the housing onslaught in Toronto just got a little more intriguing. Perhaps not the ideal circumstance, the bed-share scenario leaves us with pertinent questions to ponder. How much is too much in terms of rent? And, how close is too close when it comes to sharing living space? One could engage in a heated debate or, while on the half bed, try to sleep on it.

In this housing tragicomedy, drawing curtains seems to deliver more drama than privacy. Dear Toronto, while we chuckle at this half-bed roommate arrangement, remember to keep your sense of humor under your pillow. It’s getting real cozy out there, folks. Then again, such is the fabric of our hilarious, ridiculous, nerve-wracking real estate jungle catwalk. As they say, if you can’t beat the high rents, join ’em…in bed. Laugh your way to the bank, folks!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/11/21/toronto-listing-that-offers-to-share-a-queen-size-bed-raises-eyebrows/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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