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  • Key Points of the Real Estate Rollercoaster: Commission Lawsuits, Dueling Brokerages, and Franchise Frenzy

January 15, 2024

Key Points of the Real Estate Rollercoaster: Commission Lawsuits, Dueling Brokerages, and Franchise Frenzy

Key Points of the Real Estate Rollercoaster

  • The commission is in question

    Mom-and-pop shops and flashy franchises alike are feeling the sting of commission-related lawsuits. It’s like Game of Thrones but with real estate – no one is safe!

  • Dueling brokerages

    Competition isn’t confined to who has the swankiest office space. Brokerages throw more legal jabs than a heavyweight boxing match! But, one company might have dodged this worrying trend with the finesse of a salsa dancer.

  • Franchise frenzy

    While small brokerages curve lawsuits like Neo in The Matrix, a particular franchise’s interest has ballooned faster than Bitcoin’s value in 2017. Seriously, who is their PR person? We need a chat.

  • Avoidance action

    The exact reasons why this franchise hasn’t been slapped with a lawsuit yet aren’t as clear as a crystal ball. But you have to admit, it must be doing something right – like a kid who always stays out of detention.

In reading this topsy-turvy real-estate drama unfolding one can’t help but compare it to the show Keeping Up With The Kardashians. There’s suspense, everyone is at each other’s throat, and some people inexplicably seem to avoid all the problems. It seems that when it comes to commission-related lawsuits, brokerages ought to take note from the ninjas – being stealthy and under the radar has its perks. As for the franchise with its rising popularity, it might as well be dipped in a vat of gold at this point. This story just goes to show yet again, the absurdity of life mirrored in the real estate world – constant change and a dash of drama we all love to hate.

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/15/this-franchise-may-be-immune-from-the-commission-lawsuits/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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