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December 23, 2023

Leadership Secrets: Trust, Appreciation, and Building Relationships

Leadership is not about being bossy:

Top-performing agents are not the bossy types, they are relationship builders, empathetic and they always put their clients first. Who would’ve guessed? Order around enough people and eventually, somebody who knows a good power-walk when they see one will hustle right out the door.

Trust leads to business success:

Trust is the key to cementing lasting relationships in the business, both with coworkers and clients. If you’re trying to build bridges using C-4, expect it to blow up in your face – as the great poet LL Cool J once insightfully rapped, “he who does not trust enough, will be trusted by none”.

Feedback is constructive:

As in building, not a thinly veiled insult. The best managerial brains respect feedback and are openly willing to address their weaknesses, turning them into strengths. So instead of telling your underlings they’re as useful as heels on a snake, maybe try being honest and helpful instead?

KPIs aren’t everything:

Business isn’t just about hitting or exceeding targets (unless you’re a hitman), it’s also about the relationships and work life balance. Quick reminder that the whole ‘life part’ of the work-life balance might as well be a myth just like unicorns, leprechauns or my old gym subscription.

The power of appreciation:

Showing gratitude for good work can boost morale, motivation, and productivity. Because at the end of the day, a simple “you rock” is to an employee what spinach is to Popeye.

In conclusion, Nikki Beauchamp decodes the modern day business mantra for us – a softer, more human approach is the new trend in vogue. So, it isn’t about being a slave-driving boss herding the sheep towards the oh-so-glamorous slaughterhouse of numerical targets. It’s about delivering results by building trust and relationships. After all, there ain’t no ‘I’ in ‘team’, but there is a ‘me’. Oh, and the occasional “atta boy” or “atta girl” apparently works wonders too (seriously, who knew?!). So, let your iron-clad superiority take a hike to the bin marked ‘yesterday’, and pop your empathy and appreciation hat on – you might just be surprised how far it gets you!

Now for my hot take: Let’s crack open a cold one with ‘humanity’ and ’empathy’ – they’ve been waiting for us in the real estate and business industry longer than the unsold properties in the ghost towns. Seriously, since when did trusting people, appreciating their work, and making them feel good became the big secrets to success? It’s nice to see Sotheby’s agent and “Smarty-pants” of the year Nikki Beauchamp dropping knowledge bombs, but it’s equally bewildering how many of us seemed to have missed the memo.

So, listen up, folks! The next time you strut into your office with a scowl, remember: a boss wears a suit, a leader wears a smile! And if you’re in the realty business, remember this: you’re not just selling houses; you’re selling dreams. Don’t turn them into nightmares. Keep it human. It’s business, not a gladiator ring.

Sotheby’s Agent Puts Harvard On The Map For Quality Leadership Advice

It’s not about the tall buildings, it’s about the deep foundations! So, consider Nikki Beauchamp your Bob the Builder of property powerhouses. So, grab your spirit level, safety goggles, and let’s get ‘building’ the right way! Are we fixing it? Well, according to Ms. Beauchamp, we certainly should be trying.

Success Is Built On Trust, Appreciation, Phonics And Feedback – Not False Promises and Arbitrary Targets

Could ‘we’ be the magic word we’ve been looking for all along? Who knew a two-letter word could make such a massive difference, huh?”

Remember The Corporate Golden Rule: “Do unto your employees as you would want to be done unto you”

It’s simple math, really: Add some trust, subtract the arrogance, multiply the feedback, and divide the targets. Oh, and leave no remainder of resentment, folks! That’s the secret corporate sauce, right there.

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/21/these-3-keys-unlock-optimal-performance-for-real-estate-teams/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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