Los Angeles Citizens Embrace Zoning Changes: Real Estate News Breakdown
Key Points:
– A recent survey conducted with over 5,000 Los Angeles citizens indicated a positive response toward widespread zoning changes. More modish skyscrapers? More yoga studios with juice bars? Unexpected!
– The survey specifically highlighted a general acceptance of more diverse property types such as backyard cottages, duplexes, and mixed-use buildings. So basically, our neighbors want our homes to look like Pinterest boards. Nice!
– Many respondents showed support for initiatives that transform mono-housing zones into multi-housing ones. The LA crowd, it would seem, is yearning for a bit of the Big Apple’s hustle and bustle.
– Part of this approval for zoning changes seemed rooted in views about environmental considerations and inclusivity. What can we say, LA folks are woke as well as chic.
– The presence of public transportation systems also played a significant role in this zoning preference. Boo to traffic, hooray for more time to capture that perfect sunset insta-story!
A Humorous Hot Take:
Who’d have thought? The city of Angels, famous for glammed-up celebrities, pristine beaches, and sadly, traffic-infested roads, seems ready for a mini urban metamorphosis. Just when we thought that graphics of lawn flamingoes and barbeque pits transcended the height of urban LA sophistication, citizens are here to prove us wrong. They surprise us with a thirst for accommodation diversity!
The preference for mixed-use buildings, duplexes, and cute little backyard cottages is taking over the mundane monopoly of single-type dwellings. We’re knocking out the lawn flamingoes and replacing them with duplexes, adding some zest to the LA skyline. Diversity is indeed, the spice of life, and apparently, urban landscapes too.
But let’s applaud the LA citizens for not taking this spontaneity too far. They still want to be able to catch their yoga classes on time and hence want these property transformations to occur in areas with public transportation. The horror of missing a Yoga class or a sunset photoshoot due to a traffic snarl-up? Unthinkable! Thankfully, the city dwellers are serious about curbing their carbon footprints. They even decided to add eco-friendly green to the LA landscape while alternating dwelling styles in a bid to increase housing affordability. Oh, LA, never cease to surprise us with your ways.
So, as LA citizens embrace zoning changes and flex their creative muscles on the real estate checkerboard, we can’t help but wonder if ‘backyard cottage’ will become the new synonym for swag, or if sharing a duplex might be LA’s answer to FRIENDS sitcom living. Stay tuned for the next episode in the exciting chronicles of LA’s real estate adventures.
Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/01/americans-support-zoning-changes-to-allow-more-housing-survey-finds/