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  • Why Turning a Cold Shoulder to the NAR Won’t Solve Realtors’ Problems: Insights from Industry Veteran Darryl Davis

December 2, 2023

Why Turning a Cold Shoulder to the NAR Won’t Solve Realtors’ Problems: Insights from Industry Veteran Darryl Davis

Article Summary

  • Despite ongoing criticisms and issues, industry veteran Darryl Davis says turning a cold shoulder to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) is not the solution to confronting the sector’s challenges.
  • Davis suggests that Realtors should instead work towards improving and rectifying the system. Alienation is not the answer but proactive participation is.
  • The main points of contention include the NAR dues structure, the recruitment and retention of quality agents, and NAR political advocacy.
  • Davis acknowledges problems within the NAR but strongly believes these officials generally have Realtors’ best interests at heart. They may just need more ‘realtor’ voices to guide them.

Hot Take

Serving up this piping hot take, here’s the tea: Coach Davis hit the bullseye! It’s like attending a messy family dinner, yes, Aunt Karen’s Jell-O salad might be a culinary nightmare and Uncle Bob’s unfathomable political views might make one contemplate the wisdom of monks in isolated mountains, but you don’t flee the scene! No, you roll up those sleeves, level up your own casserole game and steer conversations towards harmless topics like cats in hats or interstellar travel.

Similarly, problems within the NAR, from the puzzling dues structure to the struggle to keep top quality agents from walking out the door (or window in some extreme cases), don’t magically disappear by ignoring them. Instead, Realtors need to bind together, strengthen their collective voice, and take an active part in shaping the organization. The way I see it, it’s akin to trying to tune a guitar while wearing mittens. Messy as it might be, getting hands-on is the only way to hit the right notes in this estate symphony we’re all orchestrating together.

In this most tense episode of “Real Estate Wars,” our property jedis can either turn their backs on the NAR (which might be as productive as yelling wisdom at a brick wall) or they can do what Darryl Darth Davis suggests: march into that meeting room, whip out their lightsabers (read: constructive suggestions), and redesign the survey realm. May the force (and sense) be with them all!

So, Realtors, it’s time to dance with the devil you know, lock horns with the issues plaguing your profession from within, and evoke a change for the better. Ditch the cold shoulder, and consider a warmer embrace instead. Because as every seasoned agent will tell you, in this business, it’s all about negotiations, baby!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/02/abandoning-nar-wont-help-us-reclaim-our-legacy-and-lead-change/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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