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  • Real Estate Shake-Up: Corcoran Agents Join Forces at SERHANT

December 23, 2023

Real Estate Shake-Up: Corcoran Agents Join Forces at SERHANT

Real Estate Shakeup: Corcoran Agents Team Up at SERHANT

Key Points:

Seven mud wrestlers gone realtors: Alexandra Newman, MaryElizabeth Smith, and Amit Golriz, along with four unnamed cohorts from Corcoran, have collectively ditched their former agency to join forces at SERHANT. They’re gunning for a super-sized game of Monopoly in New York’s real estate scene.

Disruptors entrance: The stealthy group are slipping into SERHANT. like an army of sly foxes gate crashing a hen party. Their purpose? Stir up the market while sipping G&T with pinky fingers raised.

Mega team assembly: Each individual member was known for their unique, razor-sharp skills at Corcoran. Packing all of them into one powerful faction at SERHANT. is akin to forming a real estate Avengers team, minus the spandex and capes (we think).

Reply hazy, try again: How this switch will affect Corcoran or SERHANT. remains as foggy as my glasses after sipping a piping hot cappuccino. The folks at Corcoran wave goodbye, but SERHANT. opens its arms – a soap opera in process.

The breakfast club: Team Newman (Alexandra’s namesake) has sold over $80 million worth of properties. Smith and Golriz, equally tenacious, trail close behind. If we’re not mistaken, the SERHANT. breakfast table just got a bit crowded and tons more interesting.

Hot Take:

As any good episode of “Law & Order” would teach you, the most bewildering happens off-stage and this real estate drama at Corcoran and SERHANT. is no exception. While we gape at these agents turn tail and sprint towards “greener” pastures, one must wonder what was the real estate whisper that instigated all this.

Seeing Newman, Smith, and Golriz and their trusted accomplices rally under SERHANT.’s banner feels like watching the dream team of real estate coming together. Will this new formation soar over skyscrapers, or slam into steel and concrete? Regardless, pack the popcorn, because from the way it’s starting, this promises to be a better show than any reality TV could conjure up.

Stay tuned, because the market just got interesting and the lease agreements are about to be inked with some unexpected signatures. We’ll keep our hard hats on, because it’s clear – when it comes to the ever-changing cityscape of the New York real estate scene, safety and predictability are but fictional concepts, as slippery as a New Yorker trying to catch a cab in the rain.

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/22/nyc-top-producers-to-form-the-luxury-alliance-team-at-serhant/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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