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  • The Wild Estate Roller-Coaster Ride: Increase in Buying Power and Unicorns

January 31, 2024

The Wild Estate Roller-Coaster Ride: Increase in Buying Power and Unicorns

Redfin studies show a rise in buying power for prospective homeowners. While a monthly budget of $3,000 could afford a $416,000 home in October, the same budget could now acquire a home worth around $453,000. Evidently, the home-buying game is giving us some bonus rounds.

Silly mortgage rates, tricks are for kids! The drop in mortgage rates from 7.8% to the current 4.3% has paved the way for the increase in buying power. Talk about an ‘interest-ing’ development!

This trend is not only a U.S. phenomenon. Other areas, like China’s real estate market, are also witnessing increased sales. See, even walls have ears and apparently, they heard about the drop in mortgage rates!

If the rates continue to fall, more middle-income earners may be able to jump into the home ownership ocean. Grab your floaties folks, the water’s fine!

However, the decrease in mortgage rates hasn’t led to more houses being built. Builders, we need you! Someone’s got to construct the stages for our new home dramas, after all.

The low rates are causing a slight problem though. Result? An increase in competition among buyers. Who knew buying a home could be its own sort of battleground?

Finding a fairly priced house is currently like finding a unicorn, the balance between demand and supply is a bit…shall we say, off. Maybe those unicorns and affordable houses are hanging out together?

A Wild Estate Roller-Coaster Ride: Mortgages, Unicorns, and Surprises

Section 1: Playing the Game of Homes

Redfin research indicates a drastic change for potential home buyers. A monthly budget of $3,000 last October could get you a home worth about $416,000, fast forward a few months and boom! same cash, a house worth $453,000. An unexpected power up in the game of home-buying, keep those coins coming Mario, or should we say Redfin?

Section 2: When the Walls Talk

This trend isn’t exclusive to the land of burgers and baseball. Roll the fortune cookies, because even China’s estate market experiencies this real-estate rollercoaster. Low rates cross oceans, don’t they?

Section 3: Builders Assemble!

Despite the celebratory dance of lower mortgage rates and increased home value, the orchestra seems to be missing a few instruments. Builders, pick up your toolkits!

Section 4: Home-Sherlock Uncover the Real-Estate Mystery

Against the backdrop of falling mortgage rates is an odd mystery. Super sleuths may tie this mystery to the paradox of the unicorn, where fairly priced homes become as elusive as these magnificent mythical creatures.

Final Thoughts

Depending on how you look at it, this real estate status quo swings between a dream and a nightmare. On one hand, drop in interest rates equates to an increase in buying power: Winning! On the other hand, an imbalance in supply and demand is making house hunting more of a ‘hunger games’ scenario. May the odds (and the rates) be ever in your favor! Here’s a hot take: while your real estate puzzle pieces may now be worth more, you’re also competing with more players. The promise of home ownership singing lullabies to middle-income earners isn’t as sweet if you realize you might have to play tug-of-war to secure your dream home. Buy yourself a helmet and buckle up, because this estate roller-coaster ride just got thrilling!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/29/homebuyer-purchasing-power-rises-by-40k-since-october-rate-surge/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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