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  • TheONE94Group: A Hilarious Takeover of Coldwell Banker Realty in Ridgewood, New Jersey

January 13, 2024

TheONE94Group: A Hilarious Takeover of Coldwell Banker Realty in Ridgewood, New Jersey

Here’s a hilarious summary for you:

TheONE94Group plunges into the cold waters of Coldwell Banker Realty’s pool and sets camp at Ridgewood, New Jersey.

This 20-person team knows taking over a real estate office is not just a walk in Central Park – they bring along a hefty resume with a lifetime sales volume showing off more than $80 million.

Giving those Monopoly board game guys a run for their money, theONE94Group has left their old ‘hood and moved on up, George Jefferson-style, to the ‘posh’ New Jersey neighborhood.

The group seems to believe that big things come in large packages, and they’re out to prove it with a team that takes “all hands on deck” to a whole new level.

Now onto my hot take. Just imagine how the conversation at Coldwell Banker Realty went: “Hey boss, a team claiming they’re called ‘TheONE94Group’ says they’re moving in.” Boss: “Okay, but do they have any credentials?” “Well, they’ve reportedly sold over $80 million worth of property in their lifetime…” Boss: “Let’s roll out the red carpet!”

So here’s a toast to TheONE94Group. May your coffee be strong, may your offers be accepted, and may your wifi never cut out during a Zoom client meeting. Can’t wait to see how you ‘move and shake’ things in Ridgewood.

Say it with me everyone,

Welcome to the neighborhood, TheONE94Group!

We hope you don’t mind the neighbor’s dog who barks non-stop, the 7 a.m. trash truck rumblings, or the occasional power outage. After all, it’s all part of the charm of the real estate world! Best of luck keeping that wit sharp, those victories plentiful, and those property deals even more so!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/01/12/new-jerseys-theone94group-joins-coldwell-banker-realty/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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