Ticklish Tales from the Property Market and Silly Business News
Key Points
Clowns Move into Condos: The Unexpected Buyers in Real Estate Boom
In an unlikely turn of events, the real estate market has seen an influx of clowns buying up condo units. It seems juggling, balloon animals and magic tricks are raking in the big bucks these days.
Million Dollar Listing features Doghouse for an Absurd Amount
Sure, we love our pets… but to what extend? This week’s Million Dollar Listing featured a golden doghouse, complete with a hot tub and a butler service (for the dog, not the owner). Woof indeed!
Location Location Location: Middle of Nowhere Tops ‘Desirable Places to Live’ Survey
Presumably due to remote work being the norm, the most desirable place to live as per recent surveys… is literally in the middle of nowhere. It’s all peace, quiet, and tumbleweed now!
Vertical Farming Shoots up the Real Estate Ladder
Traditional farming is so 2016. There’s a massive spurt of growth in the world of vertical farming and urban agriculture. Clearly, not everyone’s idea of moving up in the world includes a penthouse!
Business news: ‘The Great Office Chair Shortage’ – Work From Home Warriors Wrestle for Seating
Apparently, we have another shortage looming- office chairs! With most of us still being work from home warriors, office chairs have become the new toilet paper scarcity of 2021.
Hot Take
Clown suits must be in vogue this season! Seizing the lucrative opportunities in housing, it seems everyone, including our cartwheeling and balloon-twisting friends, is diving into real estate’s pie. And, just when we thought the property market couldn’t get any stranger, the sales pitch for a golden doghouse took the biscuit. Pet pampering reaching new heights or a sobering comment on our societal values? I’ll let you decide.
In contrast, those dreaming of a human home pine for peace and silence. To RomCom lovers’ disappointment, it’s no longer crowded coffee shops or quaint bookstores. The latest heartthrob location to live is – cue the dramatic pause – Middle of Nowhere. Expect property agents to start including ‘tumbleweed views’ as an exciting new feature soon.
If we’re talking about the greatest plot twist, it’s the race for that premium farm real estate – in vertically stacked planters. While we’re munching on skyscraper-grown tomatoes, the battle for the last comfortable office chair rages on in our living rooms. Because ‘going to work’ now means rolling from bed to, well, wherever that chair is.
So, whether you’re contemplating purchasing a snazzy condo or considering a move to the boonies, remember: in the world of real estate and business, expect the unexpected!
Original article: https://www.inman.com/2024/02/16/commission-commission-commission-inmans-top-5/