Key Points:
- Article Highlight #1: To make life easier for accidental landlords and perennially underdogs, Zillow has introduced a new feature.
- Article Highlight #2: Landlords can now list single rooms for rent, thus threatening the well-earned solitary cup of tea in your PJs on a Wednesday afternoon.
- Article Highlight #3: The update is an effort to solve the age-old problem of affordability. No more having to sell kidneys to pay for penthouses.
- Article Highlight #4: The introduction of this feature is set against the backdrop of increasing numbers of renters sharing spaces to slash their rent. Communal toothpaste, anyone?
- Article Highlight #5: This development makes Zillow the “Roommate Tinder,” matching people with rooms and people with roommates. Swipe right if you have a room to share with the same interest in potpourri!
- Article Highlight #6: The feature aims to ease the financial strain for renters and provide landlords an alternate income source. Finally, a win-win that doesn’t involve board games!
Hot Take:
Boy, landlords just got a lot cool(landlord)er! Zillow has played the fairy godmother to our Cinderella landlords and renters who were struggling to find the glass-slipper-fit roommate or the right pumpkin carriage. Or room, in this case. Dancing on the affordability woes and gliding elegantly with the changing times, they’ve introduced the single room feature. No longer will a shoebox apartment in Manhattan cost as much as buying a small country.
The smartly dressed brainiacs over at Zillow have tuned into the woes of affordable living and the trend of roommate-ship, creating a fancy matchmaking algorithm that pairs tenants based on financial needs, lifestyle habits, and perhaps even their choices in television shows. Am I the only one who sees a sitcom brewing here – “How I met Your Roommate”? Could we BE any more relevant?
With this witty (and wholly practical) move, Zillow has brought affordability a notch down, and the chances of you hosting a virtual game night a notch up. So gear up to enjoy more shared laughs, shared bills, and probably shared toothpaste. And who knows? The oddest pairing between a landlord and a tenant might just make “The Odd Couple” look tame!
Original article: