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  • Science Says Kindness Matters: The Sudden Boom in Ethics and Real Estate

December 14, 2023

Science Says Kindness Matters: The Sudden Boom in Ethics and Real Estate

Science Says Kindness Matters: The Sudden Boom in Ethics and Real Estate

Key Takeaways

We’re upsetting sociologists: Turns out bombarding people with kindness isn’t just for preschool teachers. Highly esteemed luxury agent Nikki Beauchamp says being a sweetheart has positively impacted her business. There might be hope for humanity yet!

Say “Cheese!”: Kindness, happiness, and business growth share a bed, and it’s not as crowded as you’d think it would be. Research shows that being nice improves overall job satisfaction. Smiling is the new black.

The Beacon of Beauchamp: Our Ms. Nikki is leading by example, making us all look like cold-hearted capitalists. Her kindness does more than pass the marshmallows – it’s paying dividends in her business. Time to stock our professional toolkits with politeness instead of just pens.

Hold the Phone: It’s Generosity!: Kindness is not some highfalutin, nonspecific buzzword. It means something practical in the business world, specifically luxury real estate. Keep that in mind the next time you deny your intern a coffee refill.

The “Hot” Takeaway

In the Crushing World of Business, Kindness Is the New Secret Sauce!

As the world spins increasingly faster on this concept of business savagery (thanks, Wall Street!), there’s a sweet, beaming light at the end of the tunnel: kindness. Who knew that the same principle that got us gold stars in kindergarten could actually give you a lucrative edge in real estate? Nikki Beauchamp, that’s who!

Breaking all the stereotypes, she decided to replace kitschy sales techniques with a genuine smile and a sprinkle of kindness. Lo and behold, it’s doing more than just melting hearts—it’s cracking open the metaphorical piggy bank! In a world where everyone is trying to own a monopoly on the real estate market, she’s playing Candy Land and winning—without turning real estate into a blood sport!

You’ve heard the phrase, “Nice guys finish last?” Well, erase the chalkboard, folks. That school of thought is as outdated as the flip phone. Kindness, it appears, is joining the big league of business strategies! It’s time for all real estate moguls, aspiring or established, to make a note: replace those slick suits and hard sell attitudes with a simple ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. After all, the art of wheeling and dealing doesn’t have to exclude good old fashioned chivalry!

So, the next time you think about conquering Wall Street, remember to pack your number one weapon- kindness! Science and Nikki Beauchamp don’t lie. So, let’s bring some smiles to this stone-cold industry, everybody!

Original article: https://www.inman.com/2023/12/12/want-to-do-more-business-5-tips-for-leading-with-kindness/

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Martin Towers

Martin is an ex Real Estate Agent turned digital marketer and entrepreneur now specialising in helping Realtors all around the world

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